MTG Combo: Bone Saw + Reckless Bushwhacker

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WinfieldDray on

8 years ago

A couple things. First, your curve seems a little off. 4 5cmc creatures and 20 lands doesn't seem quite right. Feel like you'll bottom out at 3-4 lands and have 1 to 2 dead cards in hand. Perhaps cut some of the 5-drops, OR find a way to fit in Sword of the Animist OR increase land count to 22. Second, chasm guide doesn't really seem to work here. I think you'd be better off dropping in Firemantle Mage. Sitting in lower on the curve, and providing your creatures with Menace is good and is more in sync with the goal of the deck. Maybe side-board the Lantern Scouts? Thirdly, get the Reckless Bushwhacker in there. The combo of a t3 Bone Saw + Reckless Bushwhacker I think is paramount to this deck popping off. And thirdly, consider the Relic Seeker. I know it isn't an ally, but it does synergize with some of you creatures for use of the Stoneforge Masterwork (Weapons Trainer Expedition Envoy. The Seeker is a solid 2/2 body with possible pump to 3/3 and it fetches an equipment. Sweet.'Nuff said. I like the deck. Should stomp heads. +1.Check my (oddly similarly named) deck with the same idea. Equip The Allies