Next Daily Draft Debate - Sign Up to Participate Here!

Daily Draft Debate


18 June 2013



Group leaders have been selected and we're ready to go. If you would like to participate in this upcoming draft debate, sign up in the comments!

There are two ways to participate - as a DRAFTER, or an OBSERVER. If you are a DRAFTER, you will be assigned to one of the drafting groups and will work with that group to try and achieve victory. If you are an OBSERVER, you won't be able to provide input, but you will instead see all the picks as they are made, with my commentary, and be able to discuss the picks with other observers and myself.

Late sign-ups will be allowed; if you come in partway through, no problem, I can assign you to a group midstream, but this is the place to ensure you're there from the start.

Post in the comments below to sign up and indicate whether you want to be a DRAFTER or an OBSERVER. Also put your username in the post. I know that it shows your username anyway above your comment, but the site erases posts that contain exactly the same text, so we just want to make sure that no one gets lost in the shuffle.

Good hunting!

This article is a follow-up to Next Daily Draft Debate - New Format! The next article in this series is 3DM Draft Debate - Get your Group Here!

DeckBuilder345 says... #1

This is a post to just keep track of this topic.
Lets go people we need people to fill out our teams!

June 19, 2013 2:29 a.m.

Dallie says... #2

I would appreciate an Observer spot.

June 19, 2013 2:29 a.m.

DeckBuilder345 says... #3

@ Dallie you don't want to throw you 2 cents into the discussion and try to secure victory? Can get a lot of good insight by arguing with people about possible picks. up to you but figured i would at least encourage people to take the plunge.

June 19, 2013 2:31 a.m.

Supersun says... #4

Can I get a Drafter slot?

(Also a reminder, if you make a post that is exactly the same as someone else previously you will overwrite the previous post so if you try to get into a group, but your post isn't unique enough it may be lost by someone else making the same post as you did)

June 19, 2013 2:34 a.m.

KrazyCaley says... #5

Good reminder, Supersun. Added to the original post a little note that should help avoid that problem.

June 19, 2013 2:39 a.m.

Goody says... #6

Tl;dr, don't just post "drafter" or "observer".

Also, just letting everyone know, my team will win, and the other teams are garbage. If you give me some cards, I'll let you in my team

June 19, 2013 2:42 a.m.

KrazyCaley says... #7

Bribery is not allowed, except on me. It will be ignored, but it IS allowed.

June 19, 2013 2:43 a.m.

Dallie says... #8

@DeckBuilder345: I am currently not a very good drafter, and have wished for a while to get better. I think being part of the observer group would help me improve my drafting abilities. I do think it would be fun to snatch a victory, but I'm even more of a "let's see how everyone does"-kind of guy. So Observing would be nice for me :)

June 19, 2013 2:44 a.m.

Dallie says... #9

June 19, 2013 2:46 a.m.

Goody says... #10

I thought you'd be a fan of Bribery , KrazyCaley, it's blue!

June 19, 2013 2:46 a.m.

KrazyCaley says... #11

@Goody And it's allowed on me because MY DECKS DON'T HAVE CREATURES, HAHAHAHAHA

June 19, 2013 2:56 a.m.

Sign me up! I'll be a drafting team member, shining the light of reason into the chaos of .. erm... well, chaos, I guess.

Man, it's too early for metaphors..


June 19, 2013 3:56 a.m.

vic says... #13

I'm in as a drafter too. My agent will negotiate the terms of our contract.


June 19, 2013 4:24 a.m.

RussischerZar says... #14

I guess the idea of timezone groupings has been discarded?

Megrim triggers, take 2.

June 19, 2013 4:55 a.m.

alehman42 says... #15

alehman42 as an observer

June 19, 2013 5:25 a.m.

keilahmartin says... #16

i'll be a drafter

June 19, 2013 5:43 a.m.

KrazyCaley says... #17

@RussischerZar - It has not. Going to post on walls of people who sign up.

June 19, 2013 5:57 a.m.

Chubbub says... #18

I'll be a drafter, Chubbub.

June 19, 2013 6:10 a.m.

Savulon says... #19

savulon OBSERVER

June 19, 2013 6:59 a.m.

agGravity says... #20

I don't know enough about Draft but I god I love being a stalker so Observer for me

June 19, 2013 7:45 a.m.

zaddos says... #21

zaddos would like to be a drafter

June 19, 2013 7:46 a.m.

RussischerZar says... #22

@KrazyCaley: Wouldn't it be better if people that signed up as drafters already stated their timezone in this thread?

June 19, 2013 7:46 a.m.

zaddos says... #23

EST, but I would like to be on the team that would rather pick a board wipe over an aura.

June 19, 2013 7:53 a.m.

KrazyCaley says... #24

@RussischerZar - Probably would have been a better idea. I'll just stick with the original plan, having come this far with it.

June 19, 2013 7:59 a.m.

ToraTora says... #25



June 19, 2013 8:01 a.m.

landgrafb, in as a Drafter.

Hells yeah

June 19, 2013 8:07 a.m.

Absinthman says... #27

Reporting for DRAFTER duty. CEST time zone (currently UTC+2).

June 19, 2013 8:45 a.m.

actiontech says... #28

actiontech - I would greatly enjoy being a DRAFTER. I'm Central Time (UTC -6)

June 19, 2013 8:59 a.m.

DRAFTER is calling to me.... Eastern Time (UTC-4).

June 19, 2013 9:05 a.m.

kanofudo says... #30

drafter plz? kanofudo

June 19, 2013 9:13 a.m.

So when is this going to be? CenturionRower-----Drafter. And Im in the Eastern Standard Time of the US.

June 19, 2013 9:19 a.m.

ScionLocke says... #32

I'd like to be an observer, Carpediem

June 19, 2013 9:35 a.m.

tempest says... #33

i would like to be a drafter. i'm in the pacific time zone. thanks for hosting this T/O!

June 19, 2013 9:41 a.m.

dcarpntr says... #34

I would like to be a drafter.

@KrazyCaley, In the event that there are too many drafters, I wouldn't mind it if you made me an observer instead. I'd prefer to be a drafter, but all I really want to do is participate.


June 19, 2013 9:49 a.m.

RussischerZar says... #35

I don't think there will be too many drafters :)

June 19, 2013 9:59 a.m.

SupremeAlliesCommander will be a draftin' fool.

June 19, 2013 10 a.m.

smash10101 says... #37

smash10101 requests a spot as a drafter

June 19, 2013 10:02 a.m.

ChiefWannaHacka here for a drafter position please!

June 19, 2013 10:10 a.m.

wcdorrell says... #39

wcdorrell as an observer

June 19, 2013 10:26 a.m.

Agog says... #40

Agog as a drafter please

June 19, 2013 10:47 a.m.

apt142 says... #41

apt142 would like to be a drafter as well. Timezone: EST (UTC-4).

Also, do we get team names?

Remember if Bribery doesn't work, try Blatant Thievery

June 19, 2013 10:48 a.m.

doinitwrong says... #42

doinitwrong would like to be a drafter. EST

I've never been much of a fan of Bribery . I've always prefered to Browbeat .

June 19, 2013 11:05 a.m.

exarkun809 says... #43

I'll be a drafter.

In order to keep my post unique: Potato salad.


June 19, 2013 11:22 a.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #44

I'm confused... And sleepy... Can someone please explain how these drafts work?

June 19, 2013 11:32 a.m.

CyRRdaR says... #45

I'd be glad to be a drafter for this exciting experience ! Time : Europe, GMT+1.

June 19, 2013 11:50 a.m.

shuflw says... #46

observer - 0b$3r>3r

2nd vote for drafting the way the block was designed to be drafted. last draft seemed pointless.

June 19, 2013 11:51 a.m.

apt142 says... #47

GoldGhost012: Basically, the way this one will work is that site members will split into teams. There will be a pilot for each team. (At this point the team leads/pilots have already been chosen.)

The teams will represent each of 8 players at a draft. And for every pick that would normally come to a player in a draft, that pick comes before that team. The team will then debate the merits of each card and select one to go in their draft deck before passing the pack on. The pilots will tally votes.

When it is all done the pilots will then take the decks created in this process and will have a tourney against each other to see who wins.

On each team there will be people who can observe and not comment as well as those that will be active debaters/voters. That's what we are choosing now. Who would like to participate and what role they would like to play.

This is a great way to learn how to draft! I would highly recommend joining in if you are in the slightest bit interested in this process.

June 19, 2013 12:02 p.m.

Unforgivn_II says... #48

I would like to be a drafter.


June 19, 2013 12:03 p.m.

Blakkhand says... #49

Blakkhand would like to be a drafter.

June 19, 2013 12:07 p.m.

wcdorrell says... #50

I changed my mind. I'd like to be a drafter. wcdorrell

June 19, 2013 12:12 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #51

Thanks apt142! That was really helpful.

Alright, Ensign GoldGhost012, reporting for duty as an observer. Time zone: EST.

June 19, 2013 12:24 p.m.

MTG_Player says... #52

I would very much like to be a drafter! I am in west us time zone. MTG_Player

June 19, 2013 12:25 p.m.

RousseausDisciple as a drafter on the Mountain Standard Time Zone.

June 19, 2013 12:44 p.m.

Jarrheadd0 says... #54

Jarrheadd0 would love to be a drafter. Limited has always been my favorite format.

June 19, 2013 12:58 p.m.

NickyTwoShoes says... #55

NickyTwoShoes signing up for a draft please!

June 19, 2013 1:06 p.m.

kabrazell says... #56

Hey KC I remember playing along with the first Zendikar DDD. Let me know if I can help in any way :)

June 19, 2013 1:49 p.m.

killroy726 says... #57

killroy726 observer please!

June 19, 2013 1:56 p.m.

Nemesis says... #58

Sign me up for draftin captain!

June 19, 2013 1:56 p.m.

mossflower says... #59

mossflower as a drafter.

June 19, 2013 2:17 p.m.

mossflower says... #60

Also, any chance I can get in DeckBuilder345's group? The guy has my colors.

June 19, 2013 2:19 p.m.

Matsi883 says... #61

What can I do if I don't want to get a MTGO account? Nothing?

June 19, 2013 2:29 p.m.

apt142 says... #62

Only the pilots/team leads need MTGO. The rest of us will be participating via this website.

June 19, 2013 2:33 p.m.

Matsi883 says... #63

Then I'm in as an observer. I live on the East Coast of the US, and I'm not free all day (as I'm sure most of us are).

June 19, 2013 3:19 p.m.

erabel says... #64

I don't have too much experience in drafting, so I'd rather be an Observer than give input.

June 19, 2013 3:22 p.m.

itsover9000 says... #65

I'd like to be a Drafter. I'm in the US, Chicago. Not sure if that helps in assigning me ;)

June 19, 2013 3:28 p.m.

itsover9000 says... #66

Oh yeah user name!!!

itsover9000 for drafter.

June 19, 2013 3:32 p.m.

anewsome says... #67

anewsome signing up as THE drafter. haha

June 19, 2013 3:44 p.m.

Matsi883 says... #68

User name:


June 19, 2013 3:44 p.m.

VRonin says... #69



Time zone: GMT+0+DST (London time)

Let's show this Americans who rocks!

June 19, 2013 3:58 p.m.

Rkynick says... #70

Rkynick for drafter.

June 19, 2013 4:05 p.m.

Kravian says... #71

Red 7 (Kravian) is go; drafter please. And yes, I used to nail Rabid Wombat in my T-16 back home.

June 19, 2013 4:06 p.m.

sewellius says... #72

Sign me up as a Drafter, please!

sewellius is the name, and Magic is the game!

June 19, 2013 4:11 p.m.

magerob says... #73

I'll sign up as a drafter

June 19, 2013 6:12 p.m.

IAmKingTony says... #74

I bring my 90% winning percentage in Draft to the Drafter role.

June 19, 2013 6:40 p.m.

Kazekiri says... #75

I think I will bring myself to be an observer. I don't know if I will have a ton of time to commit to the drafting role, but I still want to see what people are doing haha.

xkaze as observer, in short

June 19, 2013 7:48 p.m.

Wike900 says... #76

Wike900 volunteers as drafter.

June 19, 2013 8:44 p.m.

Wike900 says... #77

Commenting in the third person because thats cool.

June 19, 2013 8:44 p.m.

Arachnarchist says... #78

I'll draft

June 19, 2013 9:09 p.m.

erabel says... #79

(reads username-in-comment requirement 6 hours after posting)

erabel would like to observe, rather than draft.

June 19, 2013 9:35 p.m.

Archos7 says... #80

I want to be an OBSERVER, please. Archos7 is the username

June 19, 2013 9:55 p.m.

Sign AstroFalcon751 up for an Observer position.

June 19, 2013 11:47 p.m.

Mpz5 says... #82

As per Ian's request, I'm here to sign up for his team.

June 19, 2013 11:54 p.m.

SwiftDeath says... #83

I would like a drafter spot but is there any requirements to do so? I dont have MTGO but i am on Tappedout daily.


June 20, 2013 12:40 a.m.

KrazyCaley says... #84

@SwiftDeath - There are no requirements for just participating other than to sign up here. Only leaders need the MTGO account.

June 20, 2013 12:43 a.m.

For the sake of objective fairness, I'd rather the teams were randomized as much as possible. If I know a bunch of people in my group are already buddies, then it's going to be really hard to talk them out of a mob mentality pick.

That and what if they're just soooo baaaaad?

June 20, 2013 12:44 a.m.

mossflower says... #86

I think mainly randomizing it is what KrazyCaley wants to do (the obvious exception being timezones). I was kidding when I said wanted to be on DeckBuilder345's group. ....Then again, I did recently find DjinnjerVitis's name.... Team RUG could have totally been a thing. 0_0

June 20, 2013 1:13 a.m.

SwiftDeath says... #87

changed my mind thought about it and i would rather be an observer. not enough overall drafting experience to feel i would do whatever team im matched with justice.

June 20, 2013 1:17 a.m.

KrazyCaley says... #88

@landgrafb - I am accommodating some special requests that have good reasons, but otherwise, it's being randomly assigned.

June 20, 2013 1:39 a.m.

I'd love to be a part of the draft debate if I can.

June 20, 2013 2:28 a.m.

I, TheHorse, would be interested in signing up as a drafter. Assuming this happens before the 27th I should be free any time.

June 20, 2013 2:52 a.m.

Timekeeper says... #91

I'd like to be drafted, sir. No sir, I'm not enlisting but I'd like to be drafted. Yes, I'm aware that's confusing, but I would appreciate it if you went ahead and respected my wishes. I'm sure I wouldn't be to difficult to accommodate.

And now for something completely the same: Timekeeper = Drafter.

June 20, 2013 3:11 a.m.

TiredTofu says... #92

I'll draft the shit out of this. Let's DO THIS.

TiredTofu = Drafter

June 20, 2013 3:22 a.m.

Draugo says... #93

Sure I'd like to participate as a DRAFTER. Debating one draft pick at a time and seeing other peoples reasons for picking certain card from a pack is what makes DDD fun.

June 20, 2013 3:24 a.m.

Draugo says... #94

And of course I missed the part of putting your username in the post so here it is:
Draugo = Drafter

June 20, 2013 3:25 a.m.

CardMinnow says... #95

Sign me up as an observer, I would draft, but I'm starting a new job on Monday, and would likely be less that useful since I haven't worked full time in almost 2 years now.

Thanks for organizing this thing KrazyCaley, looks like its gonna be a lot of fun.


June 20, 2013 3:32 a.m.

Since it seems like everyone is doing this.

DeathByDragons = Drafter

June 20, 2013 3:35 a.m.

DaShPrime says... #97

DaShPrime as an Observer please!

June 20, 2013 5:45 a.m.

dude9914 says... #98

dude9914 as an observer please.

June 20, 2013 6:12 a.m.

tigersfan774 says... #99

tigersfan774 is in as a drafter.

June 20, 2013 12:14 p.m.

magerob says... #100

magerob signing up to draft.

June 20, 2013 12:50 p.m.

hubatish says... #101

drafter = hubatish Eastern Standard Time if that matters

June 20, 2013 2:33 p.m.

I would love to be a drafter! Sign me up!

June 20, 2013 2:53 p.m.

When is this happening? Starting within the week? At what times? yadda yadda.

June 20, 2013 3:42 p.m.

landot says... #104

@NickyTwoShoes -- my understanding is that the actual drafting will start on June 23; we have to have teams prepared and communication among teams set up before then.

Also, be thinking of awesome team names! Be warned that I will push my team to have either frogs, terrible puns, or both in the team name. :-p Can't wait to find out who I'll be working with . . . and who we'll be smashing into small, if friendly, pieces.

June 20, 2013 4:34 p.m. names. That seems a must. Team RonBurgundy reserved!

June 20, 2013 4:41 p.m.

mirosith25 says... #106

I'd like to be an observer! I'm EST since I see saying their general location. Do I need my MTGO username too? It's acer25 if so.

June 20, 2013 5:53 p.m.

zephyrkey says... #107

zephyrkey = DRAFTER please! (Team EST as well)

June 20, 2013 11:52 p.m.

Deco_y says... #108

I'll be adding everyone on my team tomorrow!

June 21, 2013 1:52 a.m.

Sam19 says... #109

Sam19- Observer

June 21, 2013 8:05 p.m.

Krayhaft says... #110

Hi, not sure if this is the thread to sign up in, but could I (Krayhaft) be put on Goody's team?

June 22, 2013 1:44 a.m.

KrazyCaley says... #111

Usually prefer that the assignments be random, but very well. Get in touch with him.


June 22, 2013 3:01 a.m.

Krayhaft says... #112

Thank you!

June 22, 2013 3:07 a.m.

tooTimid says... #113

Maybe this is to late but I would love to get in as an observer! I'm new to Tappedout but love MTG and think this would be a good way to start becoming familiar with the Tappedout community!

June 27, 2013 8:55 p.m.

KrazyCaley says... #114

@RedSoxFanKy - Never too late to sign up! You should now be able to view the observer area here:

June 28, 2013 5:47 a.m.

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