Does a Commander still deal Commander Damage when another player gains control of it?
Asked by TypicalTimmy 3 years ago
I have Angrath, the Flame-Chained or any other mechanical-similar card such as Act of Treason, and I gain control of an opponent's Commander.
I am able to deal combat damage to someone with it.
That should still count as Commander Damage, yes? Because why it may not be "my" Commander, it still is "a" Commander?
Omniscience_is_life says... #2
A commander's commander damage is inherent to it--even a face-down commander will deal commander damage. Even you Song of the Dryads a commander, Nissa's Zendikon it, Frogify it, Burrog Befuddler it, and then Giant Growth it, it'll still be dealing commander damage.
Gidgetimer says... Accepted answer #1
Yes, it is still commander damage from that commander. Putting Assault Suit on Zurgo Helmsmasher is a popular strategy because of this.
November 14, 2021 1:17 a.m.