Sultai Best Stuff (Gerlander)

Highlander EpicBox75


Tournament stats (2018) —Jan. 1, 2018

19.11.2018 3-1

1st round 2-1 Jeskai control with wildfire and shit (Big mana deck) 1st game I had promising DRS, 2 lands and can trips and other action and all of my creatures got answered and I flooded and the Armageddon happened and I conceded. 2nd game I got turn 3 UG Nissa on the field and started scrying and using her 0 ability to ramp and make pressure and I used Wasteland 4 times because I got it back again and again with my cards and my opponent lost. 3rd game was just smashing, turn 2 tarmo, turn 3 last hope and turn 4 Jace the Money Sculptor and my opponent didn't have answer for my ulting liliana or gard engine Jace and he lost

2nd round BG rock 2-0. Both games were grind grind and grind but in the end Hostage Taker and The Scarab God did so good job that my opponent lost

3rd round against Big red 1-2. 1st game was really close but in the end thanks to Liliana of the Veil it was match of top decks and I had more skill by not drawing lands. 2nd game was a grind fest and it ended when my opponent had a good top decks and I lost. 3rd game i drew all my 5 drops but I didn't draw my fifth land and lost.

4th Round 2-1 mono red midrange. 1st game I lost because fucking land destruction. 2nd game I played turn 3 Hostage taker taking my opponents Smuggler's Copter and he didn't have answer right away and I got to cast it and because my small creatures were able to crew I saved so much life that I got to good mana and started using Scarab God. 3rd game the game ended when I started looping Eternal Witness and Pulse of Murasa and he didn't have enough pressure to pressure me

4.11.2018 2-1

1st round 0-2 mono red midrange (big red without extremely big creatures and mana rocks). 1st game started with 1 lander that had deathrite cantrip, two mana spells and one three mana spell on a draw....... deathrite got bolted and I didn't draw a land. 2nd game played normally until I tapped my self when casting Garruk..... it got bolted and opponent casts Ruination and I lose every land except island and all my cards had black or green in them.

2nd round GB rock 2-1. 1st game I got to three lands and then my opponent used Wasteland two times (using Eternal Witness and I drew only spells that I couldn't cast. 2nd game I started with hand attack, tarmogoyf, liliana, kalitas = perfect curve and after those tempo drops I managed to smash my opponent. 3rd game was a grindfest because my opponent had multiple planeswalkers and I had The Scarab God so my opponent couldn't cast many creatures because Scarab. After 25 minutes my Scarab God had achieved victory and rock had fallen

3rd round RB Goblins 2-1. 1st game I had Kitchen Finks and I got eldritch evolution to thragtusk so yeah. 2nd game starve (OK seriously wtf what is this starving) 3rd game opponent starved