Mayael, the Master of Monsters



Literally Small but Important Update —March 4, 2021

Hey Everyone! I will be totally Honest here, I have been doing a bad job with regular updates for all my Decks, and I am hoping to Remedy that with this one. I think the General vibe of Commander at this point is that things are speeding up if you want to be powerful you gotta be hyper-efficient. Mayael is a bit of a... Non-Bo with this idea, but this Blind Lady and her seeing eye monsters are still no pushovers and with that, this update is going to help (and has helped quite a lot).

Firstly, my Reliquary Tower is foiled!

Vivien, Monsters' Advocate ---------------------------------> Sylvan Library:

Well, I'll be honest: Vivien just wasnt working well in this deck. The Top decking was great, and the ult comboing was awesome, but... Frankly, Vivien has a better home in one of my other decks. In its place is a nice little Library that has become one of its greatest tools! The Top deck filtering and/or additional card draw is nothing short of incredible.

Eladamri's Call ------------------------------> Worldly Tutor:

This is more of a straight upgrade, but I don't think the Call is gonna be too far gone. It too provides such huge value, that I am just finding where I can slot it in or what to take out. Meanwhile, Worldly Tutor has just been a wonderful way to Maximize my power on board or solidify board positions. Its been too good.

Champion of Rhonas -----------------------------> In Search of Greatness:

I honestly have been the Champion, of the Champion. So many in my playgroup have slotted it in, and many were shocked when I put this in... But I think the value it provides is way more then the Champ alone can bring: It can scry every turn when it "does nothing" and then when It can do something, its incredible! Being able to drop out huge threats potentially every turn is insanely huge. And at 2 mana, its a great card to play early turn and not have many people worry about it for a few turns is GREAT. It is a welcome addition.

Quartzwood Crasher ---------------------------------> Arcane Signet:

LE SIGH. Ive been kinda hating when I make these swaps, but... But its so necessary and needed these days. The Extra ramp is just worth it to remain consistent, let alone advancing in the game.. But Nowadays, when the game is speeding up, this card is becoming more and more necessary to higher CMC (excuse me, Mana Value) decks to have more ramp. So, while its sucky I do lose my main Trample payoff card, I do get some better consistency, which has been felt and appreciated.

Thats all for now! Until next time!