Liliana: Ramp, Drain, Kill *RETIRED*

Commander / EDH Driemer84


Card Upgrades —Nov. 28, 2016

-1 Nekrataal +1 Noxious Gearhulk

-1 Read the Bones +1 Viscera Seer

-1 Phyrexian Gargantua +1 Harvester of Souls

-1 Soul of Innistrad +1 Champion of Stray Souls

Driemer84 says... #1

As an EDH noob I found this deck off an SCG VS. video and give credit to Justin Parnell for the list.

It is my first real EDH deck and I love it. It is really just a mono black good stuff deck, but I'm looking for ways to improve it. I'd love to fit some of the cards in my maybe board in to the list, but am unsure of what to take out.

My first thoughts on cuts are Burnished Hart, Exquisite Blood, Noosegraf Mob.

In my experience so far, Burnished Hart has been pretty slow. If you have it in your opener you are spending turn 3 casting it and turn 4 activating it. Though I do like that it ramps with actual swamps instead of something that can be wiped like a mana rock.

Exquisite Blood is a nice survival tool, but I'm not running Sanguine Bond and there are a couple other ways to gain life in the deck with Disciple of Bolas, Gray Merchant, Whip of Erebos, and Exsanguinate. But maybe I'm off base.

Noosegraf Mob is a neat card, but is a little slow and I feel like I can get better value out of some of the cards in the maybeboard.

Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated.

November 26, 2016 4:01 p.m.

Xenomorph says... #2

Pawn of Ulamog

Maybe some lower end creatures that can be simple sac outlets?

November 26, 2016 4:53 p.m.

Xenomorph says... #3

I would add vampire hexmage. Some 1 and 2 drop costed creatures for some of the really expensive ones in your deck. I would actually keep exquisite blood and cut something like phyrexian gargantua. Some ideas for low mana creatures:



Geralf's Messenger

Dark Ritual

November 26, 2016 4:59 p.m.

Driemer84 says... #5

Great suggestions. Now to play around with how deep to go with them and what to cut.

November 26, 2016 6:13 p.m.