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Jetmir- Budget Magic team build deck

Commander / EDH* RGW (Naya)


this should be fun, lets make a full deck together, a few goals i have in mind for our deck As many cats as possible , not creature type can be anything Jetmir is the Commander , if we make it so that Jinnie (or if added Rin and and Seri) can be swapped to run, even better 10$ card limit, i want 80% of the deck to be under 5$, and 90% under 10$ , a few bombs, and Rin , will be allowed . Comment on the tappedout link if possible and add some input there, cards will be added as we go i will build and play this deck irl and let you know how it goes, we can tinker from there, this will be my crowd source deck as long as it exists .


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