Gone with the Windgrace *Primer*

Commander / EDH Phaetion


An Immediate Round of Fixes —July 24, 2018

The list was a little rough, so this is more about smoothing the rough edges. I messed with the landbase so it works with what I need more (Like Forests being searched out the most, and painlands to go with World Breaker).

My greatest concern right now is that I want to even out the curve (CMCs 4 and 5 especially), so expect this to get updated gradually for now.

UPDATE: The Primer (well, the first version) is now complete. Enjoy, and feel free to comment on it!

-Kodama's Reach: With the reduced number of basics, I felt a need to cut one card that searches for them, and it had to be this one for now.

-Golgari Grave-Troll: I found that I didn't need too many cards that mill me, so I figure I'd cut one.

-Worm Harvest: In the times that it showed up during testing, I only used this once to get...what? 2-3 tokens. We can do better than that.

+Splendid Reclamation: A major oversight that happens to be a 4-drop.

+Ghirapur Orrery: More land drops and, if we run out of cards, it lets us draw into more. Also a 4-drop which is highly coveted right now.

+Damnation: Another 4-drop, and I can't complain about having another boardwipe.