Feeling Froggy? Then JUMP!

Standard* cowboy_hippie


Manbeast75 says... #1

The exploding frog trick won't work with Scuttling Doom Engine. Polymorphist's Jest takes away his 6 damage death ability, the same way it takes away all opponent abilities when used on them. You'd be throwing away a 6 damage blast with no gain

August 12, 2014 12:29 p.m.

cowboy_hippie says... #2

Manbeast75 Good point! I'll take it our of the description... Dang, I wanted to win with an exploding frog! Shrapnel Blast would be another option, but I'd need more artifacts to make it work... hmmmm... need more brew time.

August 12, 2014 12:40 p.m.

Manbeast75 says... #3

Ornithopter is a great utility artifact. He can be used to swing a shrapnel blast, and can be used as a free spell to speed out illusory angel. And a 0/2 flying chump blocker for free? He'd have plenty of space in this deck to shine as a supporter

August 12, 2014 2:14 p.m.

cowboy_hippie says... #4

Manbeast75 Thanks for the awesome advice! I swapped Firedrinker Satyr out for the Ornithopter . The Firedrinker applies early pressure and a chump block, but can sting me. I still have Hypnotic and Altec for early pressure, and the Ornithopter is a better chump block and a target for Shrapnel Blast . I went down to two Circle of Flame because drawing more than one is a dead draw, and brought in the shrapnel... I'm trying to squeeze one more in. Also considering Goblin Kaboomist for shrapnel blast targets and blocking. Thanks again!

August 12, 2014 7:36 p.m.

Manbeast75 says... #5

No problem! I personally like to keep the Scuttling Doom Engine blast back in a pinch, a 6/6 creature on the field that leaves with a smash is great deterrent for huge swings. It forces aggro to try to play midrange, and can draw out an exile spell as well. I try to keep a shrapnel blast in hand in case of an exile spell. You might take my scuttlebug from me, but he'll make sure you regret it.

Kaboomist is great for that role, increasing the chances of having a target for shrapnel blast to crush with.

It's just my obsession with a perfect balance of mana, but I would switch one mountain for an island xD That slight difference in graph on the sidebar, just no. Mechanically it's fine

August 14, 2014 1:57 p.m.

cowboy_hippie says... #6

Manbeast75 Thanks again for the advice! The mana is all balanced out, and I'm going play test some this weekend with the Kaboomist to see if I can get him to fit. This looks like its going to be fun to play!

August 15, 2014 6:52 p.m.

LOVE THIS and i have been making a modern version myself. I would put in Izzet Staticaster .

August 16, 2014 10:37 p.m.

K1ngN3rd1cu5 says... #8

For Ornithopter , I was thinking that maybe Ensoul Artifact might be nice? Smacking someone second turn with a five five flyer is always nice.

August 17, 2014 12:48 a.m.

cowboy_hippie says... #9

nutellaisgreaterthanlife Awesome suggestion! Izzet Staticaster would fit perfect in this deck, but she's going to rotate out soon. I'll put her in the maybeboard if someone want to run this before the next rotation.

K1ngN3rd1cu5 I though of the same thing once I added a set of Ornithopter s, but with all of the combos for the frog theme I just couldn't find a spot for it. I'll definitely keep thinking of a way to sneak in Ensoul Artifact .

August 17, 2014 10:55 a.m.

cowboy_hippie says... #10

First time I had a deck make it to the tops list! Thanks for all the +1's!

August 17, 2014 11 a.m.

Firemind5 says... #11

Have you thought about adding Electrickery ? It might be better than Scouring Sands because of the instant speed.

August 17, 2014 12:22 p.m.

Rob1nb says... #12

All hail the froggies! :DI to have a deck that uses the combo Izzen't it awesome? check it out! I like to use electrickery cause of the instant speed

August 17, 2014 12:29 p.m.

Manbeast75 says... #13

Electrickery works for a while, but drops out in a bit over a month. Plus I personally feel that the trade off of not instant speed for scry is worth it in a deck loaded with fun combos. Circle of flame is there to ward off attacks, so that trade off is worth it

August 17, 2014 12:36 p.m.

cowboy_hippie says... #14

I have to agree with Manbeast75. I want to keep the deck rotation friendly, and I definitely need the scry to draw out my combos. Also, if I need some instant removal Turn to Frog + Spark Jolt should help me to survive until my turn.

August 17, 2014 12:58 p.m.

Regret says... #15

If you're sideboarding Curse of the Swine I'd also suggest Battlefield Thaumaturge for the combo.

August 18, 2014 5:32 p.m.

cowboy_hippie says... #16

Regret, Battlefield Thaumaturge is definitely an interesting card! He would work well with Curse of the Swine , and I've seen him work well in decks with with instants and sorceries that target many creatures. I was wondering if he would also affect the casting costs of card's like Polymorphist's Jest and Scouring Sands . Would they also be one less colorless to cast? If so, he might have a place in this deck. Thanks for the awesome suggestion!

August 18, 2014 8:08 p.m.

lbsmooth0850 says... #17

yeah your Polymorphist's Jest will be 2 U and Scouring Sands will be 1 Red since they both target multiple creatures so Battlefield Thaumaturge would definitely work in this deck, plus if you have anything to pump him up with, he will become hexproof for a turn or two so u can continue your combo shenanigans....+1 for me,,,, Check out my new deck i just built U Evasive Draw and tell me what you think.

August 18, 2014 9:20 p.m.

Love, had my deck just like it, but wasn't moving fast enough for me. It could work some danger though if it fits your meta. If you'd like to take a look at my version, feel free. Han Ensoulo

August 18, 2014 10:40 p.m.

cowboy_hippie says... #19

lbsmooth0850 I definitely like Battlefield Thaumaturge , I'm going to have to spend some time play testing him in different spots.

UpperDeckerTaco I'm a little concerned as well with the speed. Waiting for the combos to come can be deadly versus Rakdos or some super fast red decks I've seen out there. All the scry helps, mulligan smart, time the sweeps well, and pray to Thassa! (and Purphoros too)

August 18, 2014 11:03 p.m.

Wickked says... #20

I love the Circle of Flame in this deck. I've never been too big of a fan of "combo" decks for obvious reasons. While the decks does seem a bit slow, it seems to have enough synergy to keep u alive long enough to get a combos worked out. I would suggest Ral Zarek an extremely powerful card who I never leave out of my izzet decks and Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius who would work well to distribute 1dmg around. Both of these cards are getting ready to rotate. Looks like a very original decklist that could be successful in a lot of matchups.

August 19, 2014 1:26 a.m.

vanmatej says... #21

Nice deck, i am runnig something similar but i focus more on control tho +1Link to my deck: Hammer of Karanos suggestionn there are welocome.

August 19, 2014 11:16 a.m.

Manbeast75 says... #22

I'm not sure Thurmage would help with Scouring Sands or Polymorphist's Jest. Neither of those target multiple creatures, but they target the player. The effect hits multiple creatures, but the wording on it doesn't make it able to be reduced in cost, since Thurmage only says target creatures reduce casting cost, while the spells don't target creatures at all

August 19, 2014 11:52 a.m.

EchoSi3rra says... #23

Manbeast75 is correct, Battlefield Thaumaturge does not reduce the cost of Polymorphist's Jest or Scouring Sands because neither of them target a creature.

August 19, 2014 2:44 p.m.

Manbeast75 says... #24

Thaumaturge will though make Turn to Frog cost only 1 blue, because it does target 1 creature, making it 1 colorless less to cast. Same with Shrapnel Blast if you choose to use it as mid-power removal

August 19, 2014 3:14 p.m.

cowboy_hippie says... #25

Wickked awesome suggestions! I would consider them if they weren't about to rotate out. I can't wait to play this bad puppy! Should have the cash for it end of month.

vanmatej I'm glad you like the deck! I'm used to running a lot of counter spells with blue, but all the combos kept them out of this deck.

Manbeast75 and EchoSi3rra Thanks for your discussion of Battlefield Thaumaturge ! It looks like he is a powerful card, but we best save him for decks that target multiple creatures most of the time. I can't justify taking out any of my starters for him.

August 19, 2014 7:14 p.m.

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