Every Hope Lost

Standard TehDot


Playtests —March 20, 2014

Played against a G/W deck first. G1 I ended up winning with a perfect opening hand (Spring Leaf, Pain Seer, Watery Grave, Swamp, Far // Away, Syncopate, Island). Drew into an early Desecration Demon and cleaned up. G2 sided in Lifebane Zombie, picked out his Witchstalker and won with intimidate on the zombie. Next I played against a mono white cat tribal deck. G1 and G2 both I had trouble drawing into a Desecration Demon. Got a Lifebane Zombie G2, but opponent had a Spear of Heliod that resolved, so I couldn't bring him down. Should've been able to beat that deck, but I couldn't get any threats on the board. Played a couple other games and figured out I don't have enough cards that can be considered win cons. I've basically got Desecration Demon, Nightveil Specter, and a sided in Lifebane Zombie which is fairly situational. Decided to swap out the Whip of Erebos for Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver. It's not a direct win con, but it could help me dig for one theirs are just give myself a huge card advantage until I pull mine. I may end up pulling the Ashioks and maining AEtherling as another win con. I'm just kinda hesitant to put a 6 CMC card in a deck that wants to draw with Pain Seer.