Hypnotic Cloud

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hypnotic Cloud


Kicker 0 (You may pay an additional as you play this spell.)

Target player discards a card. If the kicker cost was paid, that player discards three cards instead.

Argy on Black-Green-Newb-Help

8 years ago

You have to make some cuts somewhere, which means you will have to make the tough decisions to cut some very good cards.

Welcome to the world of Magic deck building.

If I were you I'd make my plan to win:

put cards in my graveyard + get back the most powerful ones = get big Creatures on the field early to smash face + get cards in hand that destroy Opponent Creatures

A secondary idea is to Regenerate as many of your Creatures as you can. You may have to drop this secondary idea to get your number of cards to 60.

Cards that fall outside that equation, such as ones that make your Opponent discard cards, will have to go.

I would ditch these ones:

Ranger's Guile
Hypnotic Cloud
Mind Rot
Duress (I KNOW, it's a bloody good card, but something has to go and it doesn't fit the theme)
I'm iffy about Rakshasa's Secret - it fits the theme but you've got so many other ways of putting cards into your Graveyard. You don't want to end up milling yourself
Deathreap Ritual
Drudge Beetle
Elvish Aberration
Liliana's Specter (keep this if your Opponent has a lot of fliers)
Necromancer's Assistant - body is too weak

Those to me are the clear cuts.

You will also need to look at cards with conflicting aims - some of them need to Delve, which removes cards from your Graveyard, whereas others get bigger the more Creatures or other cards you KEEP in your Graveyard.

My feeling on this is probably to ditch the ones that get bigger depending on the number of cards in your 'yard. This is because, with the amount of cards you will be discarding, you should be able to play your Delve cards quite early.

You need to get rid of 10 more cards to make the deck 36 Non-Land cards. Then add 24 Lands.

Be careful when Delving to keep four cards with different types, to get Delerium bonuses.

I hope that has helped a bit.

At the very least you can see how I chose cards, and can do that for yourself if you decide to build a different way.

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