Clay Statue

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Clay Statue

Artifact Creature — Golem

: Regenerate Clay Statue.

imSAJ on Can I use clay statue+ashnod’s …

5 years ago

Would I be able to do this by tapping Clay Statue for a blue mana with Urza’s ability then sacrifice if with Ashnod's Altar use the two colorless mana to regenerate Clay Statue and continue to tap it for mana? Or would I not be able to tap Clay Statue once it is regenerated. I think it would be an interesting infinite combo.

Caerwyn on Pattern Recognition #85 - Range …

6 years ago

I wanted to build on Tyrant-Thanatos's post--Regenerate has a number of major issues that justify its removal from the game.

It's a really clunky ability--"this creature gets a replacement effect preventing it from being destroyed. For good measure, let's also remove it from combat." If I were making a list of rules points new players have difficulty with, it would probably look like:

  1. The stack--Regenerate implicates this. You have to activate Regenerate prior to the creature being destroyed, and thus know to activate it when lethal damage has been assigned (but not dealt) or a destroy effect is on the stack. Heaven forbid you run into an issue where someone is trying to Krosan Grip your Clay Statue, as then the timing gets wonky--if you had proactively used regenerate at the start of your turn you'd be fine, but you can't regenerate once the spell was cast.

  2. Replacement effects--another area that's pretty easy for established players, but not for new ones.

  3. "Destroy"--that Regenerate and Indestructible prevents Murder, Lightning Bolt, or damage from killing a creature makes sense--that Dismember does not tends to trip up new players.

  4. Effects that are not directly connected to the inherent nature of the ability--it seems a bit strange that "remove from combat" is also part of regenerate.

Taken together, Regenerate creates a wonky ability that voltrons together a number of complex issues. I fully understand why it was removed from the modern lexicon--like protection, banding, and Range Strike, it's a deceptively complex ability.

That's a roundabout way to circle back to my response to the main thread--I think Wizards goes overboard in their quest to expunge these ancient keywords. I understand their not being included in standard-legal booster packs or 60-card starter decks--that's how most new players are introduced to the game.

However, I think these abilities should have a home in some of the more complex products designed for more experienced players--most notably Commander precons (which, while "intro-level", still tend to be designed with a more experienced player in mind).

MigM16 on

8 years ago

i have some lands that give 1 life ill have to look in my other decks for them and other cards.

that Young Pyromancer iv just been lazy on it mostly cus i wanna get 4 of them and that about 11$ lol. i like to look for cards find ones i like then just sit on the decision, i do want is i see what u mean as its not to fun a card but, for this deck with mostly all instances he is really good and i don't have to worry about casting a card just to get guy out on the field.

the single 1 drop dragon that can become huge is cool stuff i mean every thing u said is to point in ways this is y, as i look at my cards when i find ones i like im taking them out and putting to the side for now, im looking at blue/red and burn deck witch is this one im thinking of doing a dragon deck and goblin. this is fun, just like u said the funds needed will be the hard part but im cool on waiting for money to find me, if anything if i build this stuff to fast ill miss out on a lot of things i wold do could of done and should of done also money wasted.

P.S. Guard Gomazoa is gonna make an appearance in this deck or another deck one day i have and like this guy Clay Statue but maybe i can use Guard Gomazoa instead.

what do u think about Goblinslide ?