Lymph Sliver

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Lymph Sliver

Creature — Sliver

All Sliver creatures have absorb 1. (If a source would deal damage to a Sliver, prevent 1 of that damage.)

multimedia on

2 years ago

Hey, you changed Sliver Commander, now playing Overlord instead of Hivelord. It looks like you've already added some of those cards I suggested except Scapegoat. Scapegoat could replace Lymph Sliver as it's effect is minimal protection for a five drop Sliver.

Some other upgrades you could make:

By changing to Overlord as Commander then you lose easy access to indestructible from Hivelord thus my advice is increase the amount of Slivers that provide good protection.

Idoneity on None

3 years ago

I feel as if Myriad and Phasing have the most design space left unexplored. These both encompass uniquity in Magic's meiny of keywords, and I believe much more could be offered.

Future Sight had given Absorb and Aura Swap , each of which differing from aught else seen.

Lastly, Clash and Entwine are each favourites of mine, being a little narrow in their depicted applications: natheless, easily expanded upon.

Epicurus on Card creation challenge

4 years ago

I guess it's also worth mentioning that the only creature ever printed with Absorb was Lymph Sliver, from Future Sight.

Mortlocke on I will have just a sliver of that rainbow cake.

4 years ago

Always happy to see another Sliver deck i've yet to come across. It's a shame that your playgroup tends to single you out due to Sliver Hate™: "When you sit down at a table consider yourself playing Archenemy, and you don't get the silly cards to help. Usually everyone just blasts the slivers and then continues the game." Sliver decks tend to be politically weak - as in some playgroups they are perceived to be a threat starting at turn 0.

My advice to combat Sliver Hate™ is to have a turn 0 talk before every game, which is structured as "1. Hi i'm bringing

Now, moving on to your deck proper - interesting choice in choosing The First Sliver as your commander, but I think you can do so much better in terms of building around it. First things first - I know running ALL the keywords is cool, but unfortunately it hurts the consistency of your deck, putting you in more situations where you just don't have the interaction or options necessary to succeed. Yes, you need to cut some creatures. How many? I recommend between 15 and 13. Here are some suggestions (just to name a few):

  • Acidic Sliver: Sacing a creature let alone a Sliver to deal a paltry 2 damage is laughable at best. This sliver will not create any meaningful impact unless you have an infinite creature combo going. It's not worth the inclusion.
  • Constricting Sliver: The high CMC for an Oblivion Ring-esque effect for all Slivers you control is neat - the problem however is just getting to that 6 mana. You could be casting your commander, or at the very least multiple Slivers onto the battlefield. CMC for temporary removal at best isn't good enough.
  • Diffusion Sliver: This is commander. If someone wanted to pay an extra 2 to get rid of a troublesome sliver - they could do it without even thinking twice. This Sliver is designed to work in a format where you could have multiple copies on the field that would stack this effect. It doesn't work in a singleton format. Cut it.
  • Frenzy Sliver: Refer to my comments on Diffusion Sliver.
  • Fury Sliver: The CMC is far to high for the effect. Run Bonescythe Sliver instead.
  • Ghostflame Sliver: A cute effect. Only relevant if you are running Slivdrazi Monstrosity as your commander or you are running All Is Dust - or ideally both. Unfortunately you are running neither so this Sliver does literally nothing to advance your boardstate. Cut it.
  • Groundshaker Sliver: The CMC is too high for the effect. Run Horned Sliver.
  • Leeching Sliver: Refer to my comments on Diffusion Sliver.
  • Lymph Sliver: Refer to my comments on Diffusion Sliver.
  • Megantic Sliver: This Sliver is only relevant if you have a deck that focuses primarily on Combat Damage as a wincon. This one i'm honestly a bit iffy on cutting as it is a decent sliver. Just not a Great sliver in my opinion. For such a high CMC, i'd want a sliver to be downright game changing when it hits the board. This one just feels kinda..."Meh".
  • Mesmeric Sliver: Refer to my comments on Diffusion Sliver.
  • Poultice Sliver: This is honestly just a bad design. You don't need this Sliver. Get Sedge Sliver instead.
  • Mindlash Sliver: Paying mana to activate the ability, sacrificing a sliver, and you also have to discard a card as well? Terrible. Terrible design. I don't think this Sliver ever worked outside of it's draft format.
  • Screeching Sliver: Milling a player in EDH is hard. Milling a whole table? Even harder. Since mill isn't a primary theme within your deck - i'd recommend you'd cut this. It's just not contrubuting to anything.
  • Victual Sliver: This Sliver isn't really doing much. It just isn't. I'd run Hibernation Sliver instead. That sliver makes your Slivers nigh impossible to deal with as when your opponents cast targeted removal you can just go "return to hand" and play the creature on your next turn.
  • Vampiric Sliver: This is just a bad Sliver by design. I get that it's a reference to Sengir Vampire - which is cool and all. But by today's standards that mechanic is trash.
  • Virulent Sliver: Ah, the ol' Poison counter sliver. Refer to my comments on Diffusion Sliver.

Caerwyn on

4 years ago

From a flavour stance, I am not overly fond of All Is Dust being in here. There are plenty of Damnation / Final Judgment / Languish effects that do not carry the lore baggage of Eldrazi.

Frenzy Sliver seems like it could be fairly terrifying with the token generation, without being so powerful as to make victory impossible.

Lymph Sliver is another that creates a relatively annoying, but not game-breaking effect.

Sidewinder Sliver and Toxin Sliver are pretty scary, making block choices more important and deadly.

Hooray for Slivers!

Caerwyn on Does card:Lymph Sliver's absorb ability …

5 years ago

Slight point of clarification, since I realised after I posted the source of the confusion. Lymph Sliver ’s reminder text is a bit confusing. It becomes more clear if you know the rule for Absorb:

Rule 702.63a: Absorb is a static ability. "Absorb N" means "If a source would deal damage to this creature, prevent N of that damage."

Mortlocke on Pattern Recognition #59 - Slivers

6 years ago

xyr0s, well said. I can honestly say that i agree with your assessment of slivers being a versitle and fair tribe. Wizards has been quite hesitant to print more of them, treating slivers as something of a "sometimes food" while they go ahead and print creatures and tribes far more degenerate. That mentality i've never seemed to understand, but my best guess is that when Slivers were first printed they sent huge shockwaves through the game being seen as this terror/menace that needed to be stamped out. In my opinion, Slivers never really recaptured that spirit with their new printings past Legion. The inflated costs paired with disappointingly weak abilities (i'm looking at you, Constricting and Lymph Sliver!!!) were awful designs that did nothing to improve the tribe as a whole. There are more bad slivers that I could mention, but i'd rather change topic.

berryjon, I have some sad news to share with you: Slivers will not be appearing in the new dominaria set. Who said so? Mark Rosewater. Here are his super disappointing words:

"One of the challenges of designing Dominaria was there were so many possibilities of what to include (more expansions, for example,occurred in Dominaria than the rest of the Top 5 visited planes combined) and a limited amount of space available. Slivers were on the short list, but were problematic in that they require a significant commitment to space and doing so would have lessened how many other references we could make, so we made the tough decision to leave them out of Dominaria."

Source: Blogatog - Mark Rosewater on Slivers in upcoming Dominaria set

My good buddy Delta-117 told me of the sad news. He and I are both hoping that Slivers will be making an appearance in the upcoming core set. It seems like the best bet we'll get. But yeah, good article. I'm happy that someone is spreading the good word about slivers...even it's words of fear and mistrust.

Mortlocke on Alien 5

6 years ago

First, i'd like to say that it'd be my pleasure to help you streamline your deck. So what you're seeking is efficiency, cutting the number of slivers that are redundant, or don't contribute as much...okay...i'll make some cases for what you can cut and place them into "must cut" and "maybe cut" depending on your meta and what direction you'd want to take your deck in.

Must Cut

Constricting Sliver: The cost simply isn't worth it. CMC 6 for a 3/3 that can only exile creatures is really underwhelming.

Fungus Sliver: I understand this guy can combo with Thorncaster Sliver, and make your slivers a bit more resilient, but i'd prefer to include Muscle Sliver over this guy. Or nothing at all.

Darkheart Sliver: Only useful against mass removal events. Basically, he's just meant to kind of discourage them. Outside of that, CMC 2 for a 2/2 isn't bad. Doesn't contribute much past that though. You can cut this.

Two-Headed Sliver: Why bother when you have Shifting Sliver AND Galerider Sliver in the deck?

Hunter Sliver: Provoke is interesting, but I don't think this guy belongs given your current general. Sliver Overlord is the control oriented sliver general (Queen is combo, Legion/Hivelord are aggro). Hunter is neat, but he doesn't fit.

Lymph Sliver: No. Just no. On top of being a CMC 5 cost for a paltry 3/3, Absorb is a joke of an ability at best. It's a neat? concept but even Wizards just outright abandoned it after they thought it up. Lymph is literally THE ONLY card in all of magic to have that ability...which is awful.

Sidewinder Sliver: This guy is only any good when there are more than one. Since flanking is a triggered ability it stacks. That means with 4 sidewinders in play all creatures without flanking who are getting blocked by slivers get -4/-4. But with only 1 sidewinder, a measly -1/-1 will hardly stop anything. Especially in EDH.

Thorncaster Sliver:Has neat synergy with Venom Sliver. Outside of that, it seems to be too niche of an ability to make much of an impact. CMC 5 for a 2/2 makes it an auto removal in my opinion. You have better things to spend your mana on.

Maybe cut:

Clot Sliver: Personally, i'd slot in Sedge Sliver over this guy, due to the fact that you do have swamp typed lands, but I can see why you'd keep him given your deck's current configuration.

Root Sliver: Inclusion of this sliver is highly dependent on your meta. If you face counter happy decks on the regular, then definitely a must include. But if are only seeing counterspells once every blue moon (like me) then this card isn't worth the permanent slot. Keep in on the sideboard.

Telekinetic Sliver: A neat sliver, but i'd say it's highly dependent on where you want your deck to go. If you were running something like Mind Over Matter or Paradox Engine I could see this being very interesting...but just putting it in...(giggity) doesn't seem all that worthwhile. But that's just me.

Toxin Sliver: Has a very quirky and weird triggered ability that is NOT deathtouch. My problem with this guy though, is that he's a CMC 4 for a 3/3. Good synergy with Thorncaster Sliver, but not all too useful in a control oriented sliver deck. If you were going aggro? That'd be a different story.

Ward Sliver: I have mixed feelings about this one. CMC 5 for a 2/2 is an automatic no, but protection from a color of your choice can be outright amazing depending on the situation. Use your best judgement on this one, but really take a moment and examine what direction you want your deck to go in.

Hope my thoughts gave you some guidance on where you want to go with your deck. I'll definitely keep watching to see where it goes...keep on slivering my friend. Oh, and +1 for ya!

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