Vampiric Sliver

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Vampiric Sliver

Creature — Sliver

All Sliver creatures have "Whenever a creature dealt damage by this creature this turn is put into a graveyard, put a +1/+1 counter on this creature."

Mortlocke on I will have just a sliver of that rainbow cake.

4 years ago

Always happy to see another Sliver deck i've yet to come across. It's a shame that your playgroup tends to single you out due to Sliver Hate™: "When you sit down at a table consider yourself playing Archenemy, and you don't get the silly cards to help. Usually everyone just blasts the slivers and then continues the game." Sliver decks tend to be politically weak - as in some playgroups they are perceived to be a threat starting at turn 0.

My advice to combat Sliver Hate™ is to have a turn 0 talk before every game, which is structured as "1. Hi i'm bringing

Now, moving on to your deck proper - interesting choice in choosing The First Sliver as your commander, but I think you can do so much better in terms of building around it. First things first - I know running ALL the keywords is cool, but unfortunately it hurts the consistency of your deck, putting you in more situations where you just don't have the interaction or options necessary to succeed. Yes, you need to cut some creatures. How many? I recommend between 15 and 13. Here are some suggestions (just to name a few):

  • Acidic Sliver: Sacing a creature let alone a Sliver to deal a paltry 2 damage is laughable at best. This sliver will not create any meaningful impact unless you have an infinite creature combo going. It's not worth the inclusion.
  • Constricting Sliver: The high CMC for an Oblivion Ring-esque effect for all Slivers you control is neat - the problem however is just getting to that 6 mana. You could be casting your commander, or at the very least multiple Slivers onto the battlefield. CMC for temporary removal at best isn't good enough.
  • Diffusion Sliver: This is commander. If someone wanted to pay an extra 2 to get rid of a troublesome sliver - they could do it without even thinking twice. This Sliver is designed to work in a format where you could have multiple copies on the field that would stack this effect. It doesn't work in a singleton format. Cut it.
  • Frenzy Sliver: Refer to my comments on Diffusion Sliver.
  • Fury Sliver: The CMC is far to high for the effect. Run Bonescythe Sliver instead.
  • Ghostflame Sliver: A cute effect. Only relevant if you are running Slivdrazi Monstrosity as your commander or you are running All Is Dust - or ideally both. Unfortunately you are running neither so this Sliver does literally nothing to advance your boardstate. Cut it.
  • Groundshaker Sliver: The CMC is too high for the effect. Run Horned Sliver.
  • Leeching Sliver: Refer to my comments on Diffusion Sliver.
  • Lymph Sliver: Refer to my comments on Diffusion Sliver.
  • Megantic Sliver: This Sliver is only relevant if you have a deck that focuses primarily on Combat Damage as a wincon. This one i'm honestly a bit iffy on cutting as it is a decent sliver. Just not a Great sliver in my opinion. For such a high CMC, i'd want a sliver to be downright game changing when it hits the board. This one just feels kinda..."Meh".
  • Mesmeric Sliver: Refer to my comments on Diffusion Sliver.
  • Poultice Sliver: This is honestly just a bad design. You don't need this Sliver. Get Sedge Sliver instead.
  • Mindlash Sliver: Paying mana to activate the ability, sacrificing a sliver, and you also have to discard a card as well? Terrible. Terrible design. I don't think this Sliver ever worked outside of it's draft format.
  • Screeching Sliver: Milling a player in EDH is hard. Milling a whole table? Even harder. Since mill isn't a primary theme within your deck - i'd recommend you'd cut this. It's just not contrubuting to anything.
  • Victual Sliver: This Sliver isn't really doing much. It just isn't. I'd run Hibernation Sliver instead. That sliver makes your Slivers nigh impossible to deal with as when your opponents cast targeted removal you can just go "return to hand" and play the creature on your next turn.
  • Vampiric Sliver: This is just a bad Sliver by design. I get that it's a reference to Sengir Vampire - which is cool and all. But by today's standards that mechanic is trash.
  • Virulent Sliver: Ah, the ol' Poison counter sliver. Refer to my comments on Diffusion Sliver.

Master_J on Slivers of Silver

5 years ago

In prep for working in some new slivers from Modern Horizons, I've made the following changes:

IN: Hibernation Sliver , Homing Sliver , Necrotic Sliver

OUT: Magma Sliver , Vampiric Sliver , Amoeboid Changeling

I've found the ones coming out generally not useful (though the changeling has saved Seedborn Muse once or twice.

I'm hoping the new ones will work better and help me with cascading once The First Sliver is put in.

Mortlocke on Sliver Overlord - Predatory Super-Organisms

5 years ago this is a pet peeve of mine so take it worth a grain of salt but -always make your deck description as detailed as possible. As I'm looking at your deck and what you wrote here my only guess is that your game plan is to swing wide, and swing often. However, your deck doesn't seem to exactly have alot of focus to that end. You include some slivers with parasitic mechanics and/or (in my opinion) don't function well when there is only a "one of":

These Slivers are bad inclusions in an EDH deck because their abilities don't have much direct interaction with the other creatures in your deck. Additionally, when there is only one copy of them out on the battlefield their presence doesn't really make much of an impact - case in point Frenzy Sliver. With only one in play, your Slivers will only deal +1/+0 if they get through. That's it. If you had 4, that changes dramatically to +4/+0 - forcing the opponent to always block if possible. Can you honestly say that there is a situation where you would want to tutor for one of the previously mentioned creatures? Again, this is all my own opinion - but I would cut these Slivers for additional spells or permanents that could support you, but more on that later.

The inclusion of non-slivers is a bad choice given your commander. Overlord is designed to enable you to tutor for whatever answer you need. If that answer isn't a Sliver and is a creature - then what's the point of having Overlord as your commander? Speaking of lack of inclusions - why not have Amoeboid Changeling? It's a Sliver, and it interacts directly with Overlord's 2nd ability enabling you to steal enemy commanders. That's more of a control oriented play, but is a Overlord staple.

I'm starting to think that maybe you should swap out commanders for ether Sliver Hivelord or Sliver Legion. Your deck, as it is currently built seems to support a more aggro playstyle - which is completely viable within Slivers. Including the previously mentioned, I would cut the following cards:

Now, what cards do I think you could use?:

Sorry to write you a whole book lol, but those were my thoughts. Please let me know what you think and when your tournament is. I look forward to your response! Also, here's a +1 for you!

colton815 on SlIvErS!!!

6 years ago

note however that from a strategic standpoint, Vampiric Sliver probably isn't the best way to buff your slivers. it provides no immediate impact on board state the turn its played like a Predatory Sliver would, and the latter costs half the mana. Vampiric Sliver is also reliant on your creatures being already able to survive the combat damage step. your opponent won't attack if they know your creatures can block and survive, and they won't block either unless they know their own creature can survive combat, because otherwise they would know they're just feeding you +1/+1 counters. so you have to either put the opponent in an unfavorable position where they are forced to block, in which case you're probably already winning, or you have to pair Vampiric Sliver with removal spells like Terminate or Fatal Push.

colton815 on SlIvErS!!!

6 years ago

yes Vampiric Sliver would stack. if you have 2 or more on the battlefield simultaneously, all slivers are treated as having 2 instances of the ability, and each one would trigger separately when the conditions are met. all triggered abilities and power/toughness buffs will stack, but multiple instances of the same activated or static ability will provide no additional benefit.

Lazysid on Blood boil

7 years ago

First: try to make it Modern Legal, considering the meta we are playing in. (remove Vampiric Embrace)Then, take out Vampiric Sliver as it is not doing anything in a Vampire deck. Try to replace it with Kalastria Healer which would work ok with Vampire Envoy. However, if you want a Vampire Ally deck, you should add more Ally creatures. Mephidross Vampire, I like it but in my opinion is too costly for 6 mana. Vampiric Fury is the only red card here. Consider Feast of Blood and Kalastria Highborn.

Your land base, I would suggest 22-24 cards, and in order to keep it simple, keep it mono black. Later on, should wish to have something fancier, add red.

Hope this helps!

Not_Sure on Vampiric Sliver Question

8 years ago

Cool, just to clarify, the Striking Sliver would get two +1/+1 counters for the creature it dealt damage to entering the graveyard from multiple Vampiric Slivers

Not_Sure on Vampiric Sliver Question

8 years ago

Does - All Sliver creatures have "Whenever a creature dealt damage by this creature this turn dies, put a +1/+1 counter on this creature." - stack with multiple copies of Vampiric Sliver on the battlefield. For instance, I have two VS's in play and Striking Sliver triggers said ability, would it get two +1/+1 counters?

Got the 404 page not found error again in Rules Q&A, so I had to post somewhere.

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