Invasion Plans

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Invasion Plans


All creatures block each turn if able.

Instead of the defending player, the attacking player chooses how each creature blocks.

Rasaru on Ib Halfheart, Goblin Sac-tician [PRIMER]

7 months ago

While Baeloth Barrityl, Entertainer has a huge amount of potential, it does require some sort of board state to be effective. If you draw this card later in the game and had to pay 5 into it, when part of your sub-strategy is to sack mountains, will you have enough to play it? My guess is no. I'd rather run something more like Invasion Plans that caters more to the everything has to block a single kamikaze goblin strategy :D

I also recently threw in The One Ring to protect myself and give me access to a bit of additional draw. If only the Ring could tempt Ib....

StopShot on Is my custom card legendary …

1 year ago

@legendofa, Hello! Thank you for your comment. I appreciate your feedback a lot!

The creature typing really isn't a big deal to me as I'm describing what the AI artwork generated. (My art input was just water-color fantasy wall/barricade with red hues, and I picked the one that was the most fitting with MTG art-style.) Reach was also picked over flying based off of card art and it didn't seem off with recent red creatures such as Tuktuk Rubblefort, Brimstone Trebuchet and Weaver of Lightning. As for why have reach or flying, Sentinel of the Eternal Watch the inspiration behind this would be able to lockdown a flier per combat if it needed to and so this card would share that similar capacity.

"Protection from you" and +0/+2 are both used as a means to make combat less messy. Being able to block regardless of player you're attacking could be obnoxious if I slap on a pump spell on my wall or if I use protection attachments to deny enemy removal effects and the +0/+2 counterracts what combat damage the commander deals, so the opponent needs not factor it into potential blocking power. It makes the behavior of an omnipresent wall more predictable and less oppressive. Plus, it's beneficial if the attacking creature survives combat as it will be weaker due to wither making it an easier target for the opposing player to get revenge on during that player's next turn and thus giving me another opportunity to block. (Hence why its name implies it manifests spite. You snipe an enemy's creature, your creature gets smaller making it easier to be sniped back.)

I ran into some spacing issues with the second ability, and what I came up with was able to fit, but I didn't know it would turn a triggered ability into something that's half static ability and half triggered. I'll have to fix that before showing it to the group.

Provoke was given to tempt my opponents into attacking each other and sniping one another's creatures while my wall reaps benefits off of their fueds. Say I'm player A and Player B's 4/4 is going to provoke Player C's 3/3 for example as a "free trade." Kind of like a mini Invasion Plans or Master Warcraft. The problem with provoke is it snowballs hard if you have the dominant boardstate of creatures over everyone else. If I give their biggest creature provoke it can beat anything it wants furthering their boardstate advantage, but if I give their weakest creature provoke their weakest creature plus their stronger creatures can turn sideways and the smaller creature would be able to force the enemy's best blocker to block the smaller creature instead of the bigger threats coming their way. Skulk makes it a lot less of a "win-more" effect in a number of ways by (1) stopping the weakest creature from forcing a block from best blocker in times of all-out assault (2) allows under-developed boardstates to snipe small/mid-sized creatures more safely from the over-developed boardstates as skulk prevents big creatures from double blocking with the weaker provoked creature that's forced to block. Besides, the intent was never meant for the chosen creature to provoke my wall, as the chosen creature would also have haste and given my wall has protection from haste, it would be an invalid provoke target. By giving an enemy's creature both haste and provoke I'm making it more favorable for the chosen creature to attack someone else and less favorable for it to attack me if that makes sense.

I do like your version of my card and I will probably tinker around with it if that's alright with you.

Helgrind on Blocked

1 year ago

Invasion Plans en No Quarter zijn ook super

Crow_Umbra on Average Gladiator Games Enjoyer

1 year ago

In case you want some more forced combat effects, these were all stuff I was considering for my Isshin deck very early on:

Or if you want a few more Curse effects:

Yesterday on Invasion Plans vs Brutal Horde …

2 years ago

The Gatherer page for Brutal Hordechief says that, if two players activate its ability in the same turn, the player who activated it most recently gets to decide. It follows that, if there's an Invasion Plans in play and you activate the Hordechief, you'd get to decide rather than the attacking player.

Chaospyke on Invasion Plans vs Brutal Horde …

2 years ago

If I have Invasion Plans in play and activate ability of Brutal Hordechief during my opponent's turn and my opponent attacks a different opponent, who determines blockers?

mlequesne on Thantis' Creature Donation Station

2 years ago

Invasion Plans is an interesting card you might wanna ponder about.

See you around, love your deck!

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