The Ur-Dragon’s Big Thicc Dragon Friends

Commander / EDH HorseTribalLord


Post Kaldheim Changes —Feb. 17, 2021

After Kaldheim's release there has been 6 changes made, two cards coming in from Commander Legends, two from Kaldheim, and two from previous sets. From Legends i've got Ramos, Dragon Engine and Amareth, the Lustrous, Ramos is an amazing card, and he was finally reprinted so he's gotten quite cheap now compared to previously so I was able to pick one up, Ramos will be replacing Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God (who's gone in and out multiple times but will probably end up back in because I like the card). Amareth, the Lustrous is just a good value engine, I don't know if he will stay in the deck because he is not amazing, but I'm testing him out to check anyways, also he will be replacing Crucible of Fire because the crucible is just a win more card that I'm not really into. Now onto Kaldheim, first we've got The World Tree which is really just a strict upgrade to a forest which is what it will be replacing. Next up from Kaldheim we've got Esika, God of the Tree  Flip entering the battlefield, she's is just fantastic value if you can get her flip side to stick, she will be replacing Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon who is again just a win more card and really is just a feel bad when you kill someone with him. And as for the next change for this update I've got Sarkhan, Dragonsoul coming right back into the deck just because I really like the card, and he will be replacing Nicol Bolas because he is just too mana intensive. Finally we've got Hellkite Tyrant in for Hellkite Charger, i've never activated charger's ability once since i've created the deck so ive decided to swap it out for the tyrant to grab them soul rings and signets.

So for the cumulative list

