The Great O-Kaggliachi

Commander / EDH Gorelath


2017-12-22 —Dec. 22, 2017

-Konda's Banner
Konda's Banner was just not impactful enough. Giving all my things +2/+2 for 4 mana at sorcery speed just isn't sufficient, especially when it's vulnerable to instant-speed spot removal.
-Door of Destinies
Door of Destinies is powerful, but slow. If I can pull it off, it wins games, but it rarely survives the turn before it's removed. I am considering Coat of Arms instead.
-Sylvan Library
Sylvan Library is good, but the life drain is hard to deal with. I have decided to switch it out for Descendants' Path instead.
+Descendants' Path
This card is cheap and has the potential to snowball quite hard. A turn 4 Oyobi, Who Split the Heavens is pretty good.
+Kindred Discovery
Generic card draw.
+Call to the Kindred
Same as Descendants' Path, Call to the Kindred offers powerful free creatures every turn. A little more vulnerable than Descendants' Path, but almost always hits something useful.