Kruphix sweeps it under the rug

Standard* caliburdeath


Osiris716 says... #1

Take out 1 Bident of Thassa and put in a Bow of Nylea

September 1, 2014 8:05 p.m.

caliburdeath says... #2

Why, Osiris716? None of the bow's uses are especially good to my deck, are they?

September 1, 2014 8:22 p.m.

AlphaStrike says... #3

I would most certainly look into the following potential changes: Polukreanos, World Eater > Fleetfeather CockatriceAetherspouts > Polymorphist's JestJace's Ingenuity > Bident of Thassa

As well as finding room for Sylvan Caryatid, Courser of Kruphix and Chord of Calling.

Polukrenos is a primer beater and manasink, as well as adding 2 Devotion for Nykthos shinanigans.

Aetherspouts seems like the kind of wipe you'd enjoy using more than Jest. After testing Jest is in a lot of decks I find it's not that great outside of a strong control build. It also has great synergy with Bident.

Speaking of Bident, 3 seems over the top. I understand you need your draw but JAce's will be more draw faster when you want something nice and fat to whirlwind slam onto the board.

Sylvan and Courser and Chord are all strong cards that can offer a lot of a deck like this. While I would advise against running a full playset of both Chord and/or Courser. I enjoy a 2/2 ratio, as Chord doesn't play nicely with Genesis Hydra, but allows you to grab Prophet for Profit. Caryatid however seems like an auto inclusion as it's a great blocker and a resilient mana source.

September 1, 2014 8:36 p.m.

Osiris716 says... #4

Bow of Nylea is very good against burn decks..... also you should run the Dissolve s mainboard you can't call it control with no counters main board, and only have 59 cards in your deck you need 1 more

September 1, 2014 8:54 p.m.

Osiris716 says... #5

@AlphaStrike I, personally, agree with you but what do you think he should take out? Although Sylvan Caryatid is a great card I think Kiora's Follower is better because 1. It provides mana symbols of both blue and green untaps any permanent 3. it des moer for his deck than Sylvan.

September 1, 2014 8:59 p.m.

AlphaStrike says... #6

@Osiris716 Theres no reason he would ever tap Nykthos for Blue devotion so the blue mana is more of a hinderence. Reuusing Nykthos is the only reason Follower would be played in this kind of deck, and I think he should be a 3 of and room to be found for 4 Caryatids. More consistent mana is required to get to the point of always being ahead of the curve.

September 1, 2014 9:07 p.m.

Osiris716 says... #7

It still has more uses than Sylvan Caryatid and so you might as well use Kiora's Follower over Sylvan and his deck runs fine without Sylvan. I do agree on Polukranos though, what should he take out for it though?

September 1, 2014 9:18 p.m.

caliburdeath says... #8

Thanks for the feedback AlphaStrike! I will definitely include Polukranos. He is much better than Fleetfeather, except he costs a lot more, but that's ok.

I don't know if I really like Aetherspouts better than jest. I suppose it does deal with +1/+1 counters, auras etc where jest does not. I'll keep it in mind.

How can either of them combo with Bident if I don't have it in? I would rather have Divination than Jace's Ingenuity , I think.

Coursier is just too expensive for me.

CHord is a good suggestion, and I already have 2. If you chord for an X-card can you pump it for more into X?

Blue mana is no problem and Kiora's Follower can untap Nykthos, I think I will stick with Follower over Caryatid

Osiris716, Good point, I will sideboard Bow, and I didn't know I only have 59 thanks for pointing it out.

What do you guys think of 2x Kiora herself?

September 1, 2014 9:24 p.m.

Osiris716 says... #9

I'd would try it for now, it works well with the theme you are going for, ramp and big meanies plus some control on the side.

September 1, 2014 9:26 p.m.

AlphaStrike says... #10

I wasn't saying replace Follower with Caryatid, I was saying add in the Caryatids alongside the Followers, you that can consistently have a turn 2 manadork, seems almost required if you can't get your hands on some Coursers.

I wasn't saying take out the Bident, I was saying reduce their number. Since they're legendary and drawing multiples is terrible. Ingenuity has a strict advantage over Divination being Instant Speed, it plays a lot nicer with more mana and having Prophet in your list.

No Chord cannot do the pay X for a bigger X creature, as I said it doesn't play well with Genesis Hydra, so is great to grab things in a pinch but not required. I've found 2 to be a magic number for it.

September 1, 2014 10:48 p.m.

UpsetYoMama says... #11

Surrak Dragonclaw is begging to be in this deck. You don't ever need to worry about them countering your hydras if he's on the field.

September 21, 2014 9:19 p.m.

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