Hordes of the Damned

Modern rafaelvva


June 25, 2016

Traded the mainborad Duress and the Unbreathing Horde for 4 Aether Vial

This way, the deck moves a bit away from big creatures to favor getting a big army (although you can still get a big Diregraf colossos

Also, it is a straigth up aggro deck, which may be sideboarded with some control (Bile Blight, Duress, Hero's Downfall) if needed

Finally, traded the sideboard Extirpate with Cranial Extraction, since it tends to work better with combo decks, without the need to have the ey card discarded first

GidEmrakulPlox says... #1

Deck looks awesome! It reminds me of Liliana's deck in M14. I think 4x Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx is a bit too much. Your deck can get the devotion for it to be effective, but you shouldn't be running a playset because in some cases it won't generate enough mana. Endless Ranks of the Dead looks cool, but i think you could remove some creatures to put more Duress or control spells.

June 24, 2016 7:23 p.m.

rafaelvva says... #2

GidEmrakulPlox, the Nykthos have been helping me a lot, actually, as all the ords have BB on the cost, it escalates incredibly quickly. Also, from 3 CMC and up nearly all the cards have generic mana on the cost, so it rarely hurts

Ive tried to take something out for a playset of Duress, but the problem is that I would end up either having to cut a 2 CMC, and I dont have a lot of those, or cutting a 3 CMC creature, which are the main ones on the deck (lords, token generation and a couple finishers). What do you think should come out for a couple extra?

I kept it on the SB to add agains specific decks (usually with Extirpate alongside it) but most times I just want to keep attacking with bigger and bigger creatures. I would gladly take some out for AEther Vial, but those are a bit expensive right now, and this deck is actually pretty budget on the online world (the differnece from the actual cards is just ABSURD; $255 turning into $38)

Thruth be told, zombies is still not quite on par with merfolk or elves. merfolk lords give islandwalking (which they generate) and cost 2 mana, while elves basically ramp themselves. With zombies you are aways a little behind on the tempo...

June 24, 2016 10:24 p.m.