Elves of Eldraine (Budget)

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The Return of Drana? —March 12, 2016

I've decided to give Drana, Liberator of Malakir another look. I really like that Drana is a flying creature that synergizes with Collected Company. I've been playtesting with Drana and liking what she brings to the deck, she might just be the missing link. I used her in the past before Mantis Rider and Jeskai took over. She was immediately cut from the deck after this because of Rider.

Mantis Rider and Jeskai are starting to see less and less play which will only increase even more with the coming rotation on April 8. Drana can't live in a Standard world filled with Riders, but if Rider is not in this world then Drana becomes a very powerful creature.

After rotation Collected Company remains in Standard which means it will most likely be one of the best cards in Standard until it rotates out this Fall. Drana is very good with Company. Because Company can put her on the battlefield at instant speed. This negates one of the glaring weakness of Drana which is she has to stay on the battlefield for two entire turns, yours and your opponent's, before she can start to be useful.

Drana is very good with Nissa, Voice of Zendikar because Nissa can put counters on her. Both Drana and Nissa put counters on creatures, in Drana's case only when she attacks, doing damage to a player. Growing Drana's power with Nissa makes her ridiculously good because she can put counters on herself. Drana has to attack and deal damage to a player to give other attacking Elves counters; making her bigger with Nissa works extremely well at making sure Drana hits a player with damage. Drana gives this deck a possible very powerful flying creature which this deck currently lacks.

Oath of Nissa can find and put Drana into your hand which is huge because Drana is not an Elf. Having 7 main deck ways to get Drana is turning out to be very good. Beastcaller Savant is great with Drana because he can not only help to cast her double Black casting cost, but he also has Haste. Using Drana means you have to attack more with your Elves to get her benefits. Savant's Haste is a very nice ability to have, since you can attack with him the turn he is played.

Standard is about to change a lot. Now that I think about it more this deck might just have a great chance of being competitive in the new Standard. This is especially true if two colored decks become the new norm. Other positives about this deck are it's using three cards that don't rotate which are poised to be very good cards after rotation. Collected Company, Sylvan Advocate and Nissa, Voice of Zendikar. Company has found a home in Standard and everyone knows it's good, but both Advocate and Nissa haven't found a home yet in Standard. Nissa has started to find a home in Hardened Scales decks, but Scales rotates out in April. Advocate is seeing play in Mardu Green decks, but that entire deck will not survive rotation. Of course most of these questions will be answered when Shadows Over Innistrad official spoilers begin next week.

After Standard rotation Drana, Liberator of Malakir might just be the missing link to put this deck over the top. I'm excited to find out!