Combo with Grace

Commander / EDH Boomcat12B


Pulling sub par cards —Nov. 12, 2019

Immortal Sun was pulled to be replaced by Thunderscape Familiar. While I still think that the sun cold have a place in this deck, due to it's high CMC I decided to change it out. Thunderscape Familiar is much more efficient and allows for cost reduction on green and black spells. Since these are the colors of all my combos this provides much more synergy to the deck overall than the sun did.

I decided to remove the Gravecrawler+Blood Artist+Field of the Dead+Phyrexian Altar combo because it was just too much to make work. If this was a less competitive deck then this would be a fun combo but the 2 slots being used for this combo just did not do anything for the deck most of the time, and I was looking at crawler or artist as dead cards in my hand. They were replaced by Force of Vigor to provide more interaction and answers, and Emerald Medallion to further provide cost reduction for green since the deck is about half green cost.

The deck is running smoothly and can reliably be in a position to win by turn 6. There is still some tuning to be done but it can wait while I work on other decks and slowly pick up the cards..

RNR_Gaming says... #1

This already looks super tuned. Though you could try Evolution Sage and see how you like him; I've seen others play it and it helps you ultimate super fast or at the very least keep you at a high loyalty.

October 7, 2019 8:23 p.m.