The Hive

Modern* Dunadain


Thanks Nickick —March 8, 2016

utilized some of Nickick' s changes

Nickick says... #1

The cards which look old aren't modern legal.

also, suggestions:

Aspect of Hydra

Coat of Arms

Wrap in Vigor (as sideboard tech)

Oh, and don't not put Hornet Queen in there!

March 7, 2016 10:50 a.m.

Nickick says... #2

Oh, and in a mono green deck, 20 - 22 lands is plenty

March 7, 2016 10:51 a.m.

Dunadain says... #3

Thanks for the quick responses!!!!!

Nickick, Thanks I did some expirimental hands and you were right, this deck has some serious mana flood, thanks again.What! Saber Ants isn't Legal!! =( I'll fix itAs for Coat of Arms I figured Door of Destinies was slightly better becasue it is cheaper to lay and being a tocken themed deck my creatures will come and go fast but the counters on Door of Destinies won'tAspect of Hydra Sounds like a good Idea

Finally, Whats wrong with Hornet Queen?

I realize that you probably know a lot more about magic to me so if any of my arguments are flawed please tell me why =)

March 7, 2016 11:02 a.m.