What is an activated abillity?

Asked by Fang008 10 years ago

Mayael the Anima has an activated ability. Yes? Llanowar Elves is a mana. Garruk's Packleader is a triggered ability? What are these: Intrepid Hero, Krosan Restorer. I'm asking in regards to using Illusionist's Bracers.

Seraphicate says... Accepted answer #1

Activated abilities are abilities that have a cost and effect. Intrepid Hero and Krosan Restorer both have activated abilities, the cost for both of them, being to tap the creature. Llanowar Elves has an activated ability, that adds mana to your mana pool, therefore, a mana ability.

A triggered ability uses the words "when", "whenever" or "at", to state the conditions which must be met in order to trigger that ability. (for example, Soul of the Harvest)

With regards to Illusionist's Bracers, you would have to equip it to a creature that has an activated ability (Mayael the Anima in this case), in order to have it trigger. Equipping it onto Garruk's Packleader will not allow it to copy the draw ability.

You might want to look at Strionic Resonator as well, if you wanted to copy triggered abilities.

February 12, 2015 1:17 a.m.

BlueScope says... #2

Very small addition: Illusionist's Bracers also has an activated ability, being Equip. The usually characteristic colon, ":", between cost and effect of activated abilities is omitted for the sake of shortening it.

February 12, 2015 7:06 a.m.

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