4-color creativity best interaction (?)

Modern Deck Help forum

Posted on July 7, 2021, 3:35 p.m. by Lujotheganker

Hello everyone, recently I have stumbled upon an interesting deck on youtube. It was Ross Merriam's 4-color creativity deck. I instantly fell in love with it and started creating my own litle version of this deck with some minor tweaks such as adding Jace, switching the sb a bit etc. And I have been loosing my mind over the fact, that all of the creativity decks run Remand over cards like Counterspell or Mana Leak . Why is that? Velomachus Lorehold is literally our only win-con in this deck, shouldn't my number one priority be protecting it at all costs? It seems kinda dumb remanding a path of exile, for instance, when they can just re-cast it for just one mana right back at me. Isn't it better if I just hard countered it, so I don't have to worry about it anymore? I'm loosing my damn mind over it, magic Gods, help!

TriusMalarky says... #2

  • Counterspell does not work well in 4 color decks. Honestly it doesn't work well in 3 color. I mean, it can. But Creativity needs . You just don't do that and also when you also have two other colors to care about.

  • Mana Leak is, well, pretty mediocre. I mean, it works, but why run it when, if you can get , Counterspell is strictly better, or if you can't, Remand is strictly better?

  • Remand is great here. It draws a card, which is incredibly important. Oh, and by the way? You only need to stall until turn four. And, by turn four, you need a copy of creativity. Remand slows them down a whole turn(typically) AND lets you get one more card closer to seeing that Creativity on turn four for the win.

If you resolve Creativity, you win. Lorehold lets you take a couple extra turns and deals 15-20 damage pretty quickly. Honestly, the probability of his trigger fizzling is so low with 8 that it's just not gonna happen. So you either have T3f in play or wait until they tap out so you just smash their face in.

July 7, 2021 5:52 p.m.

Grubbernaut says... #3

Yeah, it's what Truis said; mana and card draw. A better question is: in a combo deck that's strained on mana, what benefits would Counterspell give over Remand , and are they more important to your strategy than those that Remand gives?

July 7, 2021 7:05 p.m.

Lujotheganker says... #4

TriusMalarky, Grubbernaut thank you both for your comments, they really helped. Well the thought process behind it was literally "this is my only creature, I have to protect it, but I don't want to return 1 mana removals like path to exile to their hands, so they can simply recast it again." That's why I was thinking that mana leak or counterspell is better, because it just gets rid of the threats to the combo itself. However your arguments really make a lot sence and I'll be going with the full playset of remands. As a matter of fact, while you're still "here", would you mind checking my sideboard and determining if its any good against current meta? Thanks, my dudes!

July 8, 2021 2 p.m.

Lujotheganker says... #5

In fact two things come to mind. Path to Exile and now - Solitude. In this grief/solitude-blink meta, it seems useless to just remand it back to their hand? That's why i preffered the other counters. But now I know I'll just have to play around 3feri, etc.

July 8, 2021 2:29 p.m.

TriusMalarky says... #6

It's all about timing, and really, hiding behind t3f. If you play t3f turn 3, they are forced to either kill it or lose on turn 4.

July 8, 2021 4:30 p.m.

enpc says... #7

This thread was moved to a more appropriate forum (auto-generated comment)

July 8, 2021 11:05 p.m.

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