The Double Standard

Modern wreckedd


Back to double strikers —April 16, 2013

Ok so after playing with Wild Beastmaster and Sigarda, Host of Herons in the MB for a while, I've decided to swap them out for more double strike creatures. Beastmaster is out because it encourages me to over extend, trying to get as many creatures on the field to benefit from her buff. And Sigarda is out just for being too slow and expensive, she has only been moved to the SB though as she will still be essential against black control.

In their place Markov Blademaster & Hound of Griselbrand, I have had to change the mana base to accommodate them as they are difficult to cast, but I feel having 10 double strike creatures in the MB will make it more consistent.

Hound of Griselbrand is also basically a placeholder for when Savageborn Hydra gets released.

2x Avacyn's Pilgrim? Otherwise I honestly can't think of much, your deck is awesome and definitely not the usual Naya deck (I would know, haha). It works well and is centered around a nice idea, I was considering using Wild Defiance at one point but alas I decided not to; however, you did exactly what I would've done.


March 18, 2013 7:52 p.m.

wreckedd says... #2

Thanks! I did originally have them in there, but there were a few situations where I didn't need the white, I needed green or red, and being able to untap the shock lands with Arbor Elf works a bit better I think. Running both could just amount to excess mana as well. I'm currently thinking of finding room for Garruk, Primal Hunter for the card draw, will possibly swap out Revenge of the Hunted for him, will playtest to find out as I'm dubious about the mana cost.

March 18, 2013 8:06 p.m.

awkwardraisin says... #3

Love this, most people dismiss Wild Defiance claiming it's too fiddly to use, to me it reads 'Your creatures are immune to most burn spells in the format', whats not to love?

Have you considered running Burst of Strength over Savage Surge perhaps? the boost isn't as large, but it is permanent, plus it is cheaper to cast.

March 24, 2013 7:23 p.m.

wreckedd says... #4

I did for a fleeting moment, but didn't consider it being a permanent +1/+1 counter, shall make the change now! Thanks :-)

March 25, 2013 3:48 a.m.

C7081 says... #5

How about adding Martial Glory? If I understand the cards correct, it should give one of your creatures +9/+9.

March 26, 2013 7:55 a.m.

wreckedd says... #6

Unfortunately it doesn't work like that, even if the same card targets the same creature multiple times it will only get +3/3 from Wild Defiance . It does still provide +9/+9 if spread across two creatures though (well, +3/+6 & +6/+3), but I rarely have the need for buffing more than one target. Thanks though!

March 26, 2013 9:09 a.m.

infinitemana says... #7

Wild Beastmaster is begging to be played in this deck

March 31, 2013 8:55 p.m.

GamerSonX says... #8

March 31, 2013 10:59 p.m.

wreckedd says... #9

I did actually have her in here at one point :-) She is a complete beast, and I have actually been having troubles getting the right mana to cast Markov Blademaster early on, so yeah I may just go back. Thanks guys!

April 1, 2013 5:02 a.m.

BsMiTty93 says... #10

Just looking at this, I have to say its a beautiful deck. Hope it plays well for you!

April 9, 2013 5:35 a.m.