The Bones To Build Your Tribal Deck

Casual merrowMania

SCORE: 806 | 130 COMMENTS | 81393 VIEWS | IN 624 FOLDERS

capt_pantsless says... #1

+1 Adding this to a folder for future reference!

(Needs more land to be playable though. At least throw some islands in there!)

January 31, 2014 9:35 a.m.

Relictus says... #2

Thanks for the great reference.

March 22, 2014 12:05 p.m.

Gorky says... #3

This helped me to make this: Brushswagg <3 Ty so much

May 22, 2014 6:49 a.m.

Flareking99 says... #4

June 27, 2014 1:01 p.m.

merrowMania says... #5


June 27, 2014 1:34 p.m.

Dorotheus says... #6

I did a janky Dragon-tribal Ramp deck back in the day with Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund + Shields of Velis Vel

August 27, 2014 2:46 p.m.

Frayace says... #7

thank you for Peer Pressure I didn't know it existed, now I can make a fun frog tribal deck :D.

Turbo...Frog? Playtest

Casual* Frayace


August 28, 2014 2:38 a.m.

merrowMania says... #8

good to see my work helping others ;)

August 28, 2014 9:57 a.m.

Add a Tribal Golem, it combos with the changelings.

November 23, 2014 4:55 p.m.

merrowMania says... #10

sounds good

December 2, 2014 9:11 a.m.

My god. Of those decks you listed under "also check out," I am proud to say I have designed all of those tribes into decks in the past . I am now going to save this into a folder and play test your builds against mine in the remote chance I can find those old lists from before I started using tappedout. +1 because tribal is amazing.

There's a format I expect you'd be all over as it were called bad tribal. It's less popular (hence why I'm doubting you're familiar) but it's really cool, below are the rules because I hate typing it all every time so I copy & paste it from my notes where I typed it to avoid mass typing every time I mention it to someone I think might like it. Hope you enjoy!

Any creature type in Magic outside of a select few are eligible to be used (more on that later). You build a (minimum) 60 card deck (no sideboards are used) that has at least 25 creatures from the chosen Tribe. Everything else in the deck has to follow the current Modern format rules (including Banned List), but your tribe's creatures can go back to Alpha, if you want to, as any sets are allowed, including special sets like dual decks & commander! (keep in mind that OTHER creatures in your deck that aren't related to your tribe have to be Modern legal).

Now, for the Banned Tribes List:

(some are color-specific, for example, you can't use BLUE Wizards, but any other color Wizards are fine): Beasts, White Clerics, Elemental, Green Elves, Blue Faeries, Zombies, Red Goblins, Merfolk, Slivers, Soldiers, Black Vampires, and Blue Wizards. No creatures from these tribes can be used in this format. Note that Shapeshifters that have the "Changeling" keyword ability are exempted from this rule and may be used to represent any tribe (they'll definitely help you in a Kobold deck!)

Also, anything after the hyphen on a creature card (example: "Creature- Human Wizard (Xathrid Necromancer.)) is it's creature type! I overheard some people at FNM saying Obelisk of Urd wouldn't work with warriors, and while I've never heard this anywhere else I'll clarify: creature type does include subtype!

Also; you can't have ANY cards of the banned tribes in your deck (with the exception of changelings.)! For example: if you're make an assassin bad tribal deck, you can't use Guul Draz Assassin even if he is your only black vampire!

December 11, 2014 7:19 p.m.

JohnBeaman says... #12

what about the fetch duel & shock lands? I use them as a part of the shell for all my multicolor decks. Also I don't see any mana ramp AKA #sol ring etcetera etcetera..

December 31, 2014 12:25 p.m.

JohnBeaman says... #13

[sol ring] [Chrome mox] [lotus petal] [mox opal]

December 31, 2014 12:28 p.m.

JohnBeaman says... #14

well we know what I'm trying to say...

December 31, 2014 12:29 p.m.

Doctor_ando says... #15

have you considered adding Xenograft to the list?

January 28, 2015 1:28 p.m.

merrowMania says... #16

It's already in the sideboard. Also, if you are building a tribal deck, the majority of creatures are already the desired creature type.

January 28, 2015 1:55 p.m.

WicKid52 says... #17

February 27, 2015 4:31 p.m.

merrowMania says... #18

Already had them. Very rarely will someone point something out that I do not have. I think I might just issue a challenge to all the viewers of this template to find something that I am missing.

February 27, 2015 4:38 p.m.

WicKid52 says... #19


February 27, 2015 4:41 p.m.

Xadroy says... #20

April 19, 2015 9:16 a.m.

merrowMania says... #21

Good catch

April 19, 2015 10:56 p.m.

Radical_Larry says... #22

Based on the name I was expecting skeleton tribal but this definitely doesn't disappoint.

May 12, 2015 1:51 p.m.

merrowMania says... #23

Touche and thank you :)

May 12, 2015 4:29 p.m.

RoarMaster says... #24

Unnatural Evolution is missing. What do I win? Lol

June 8, 2015 1:06 p.m.

RoarMaster says... #25

Err, sorry I mean Unnatural Selection...

June 8, 2015 1:08 p.m.

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