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Strictly Worse Burn

Legacy* Burn Mono-Red


No need to run mountains, because I don't run Fireblast (it's too expensive, I prefer Ember Shot ) so I run fun nonbasic red lands! they're basically all straight upgrades to mountains anyways, right? Plus! I get to run Sorrow's Path I'm not exactly sure what it does, but I'm sure it'll come into handy as soon as I can find any friends to play magic with!

I run four of every card because that's the maximum (sorry Gray Ogre I'd run as many of you as I could :cc)

My burn spells are super powerful and firey!!!11!!

Kahmal's Sledge does a huge 4 damage to any creature!! but, if I have seven cards in my graveyard it'll hit whatever creatures controller too!!! powerful! Scorching Spear Is only a sorcery but it has a 1:1 damage ratio, and it's super duper powerful in the early game it can kill super powerful creatures like Dark Confidant and even take out the last damage to your opponent Ember Shot is basically a more powerful Lightning Bolt which is why I'm running it over that, it does three damage, but I get that sweet sweet card advantage.

Goblin Hero Grey Ogre and Raging Bull are all 2/2s for three, which is whack powerful like that kind of damage is insane!!! plus Sedge Troll is basically the same thing... UNTIL I DRAW MY Swamp then he's super duper uper muper powerful and can never be killed!!!!! Hurloon Minotaur is basically the same as these... BUT EVEN MORE POWERFUL I'm quite honestly not even sure why they printed such power... Hill Giant is probably the most powerful card in this deck (maybe even in all of magic) and it's a huge bomb that will kill my opponents in no time!


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Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Rares

8 - 0 Uncommons

36 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.78
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