Nudebreaker Ugin

Oathbreaker timefabric


Mana crypt and vault are banned so plan accordingl —July 30, 2019

I have them in the main board, but only for show :)

viveter says... #1

Honestly Thran Dynamo is almost a must if you want this deck to keep at a good pace & remain consistent. The card i would remove would be Rings of brighthearth since most of your "good" abilities are mana abilities and by the time it becomes significant you should already have pretty much infinite mana.

Unwinding clock helps cast before you have infinite and is another way to untap grim monolith or Metalworker. If you figure out the right mulligan strats this deck could be pretty consistent turn 5-6 win but we need a card that is pretty much kill target player. That's why blightsteel is really good here and can even on real good hands be played turn 4 and even turn 3 in perfect hand scenario.

Next, Inventors fair, a land that tutors for any of your combo pieces. Oh, also, manifold key; it's voltaic key but with a rogue's passage ability and the artifact still only cost 1 mana. This way you pretty much just have more consistency in the deck and have a second "competitive" turn 1 play.

CARDS TO REMOVE Endless One Replacement:Blightsteel Collossus

Why: Blightsteel is essentially kill target opponent next turn. With both Manifold Key and Rogue's passage we make him unblockable, also he just has trample. Why yes with infinite mana we get inf/inf on Endless One it requires us to have the combo while blighsteel doesn't and is better/faster than paying 20+ mana to make endless one into a win con or player killer. Endless one looses to chump blockers with it's lack of trample and becomes worse against life gain.

-To be Continued in my Next Comment

July 22, 2019 5:27 a.m.

timefabric says... #2

Hey viveter,

Some interesting thoughts here! I appreciate you taking the time to consider these interactions.

I have Thran Dynamo in and out of the deck, it's one of my staples. It's currently in the sideboard, but only for show ;) It sounds like you've playtested these colorless builds often enough, noted about the Rings of Brighthearth "mana overkill" scenario. Inventors' Fair is a great land, I actually forgot about that one, I'll add it to the maybeboard for now for folks to refer to.

Adding Blightsteel Colossus , Rogue's Passage and Manifold Key to the maybeboard as well to tinker with. My playgroup has beaten up Blightsteel with overusage pretty bad, so at this point it's less flavorful of a win style for me but I'm sure you are correct about it's overall usefulness over Endless One . For me it's all a flavor play!

Thanks for dropping in, these are helpful interaction points.

July 22, 2019 2:59 p.m.