Muldrotha: Budget Elemental Tribe!

Commander / EDH MadMork


Muldrotha vs Karador 3: He called in backup! —Jan. 20, 2023

Muldrotha, the Gravetide vs Karador, Ghost Chieftain

1-0 Muldrotha

Tuns out including Vona's Hunger was a good idea, which really hurt my opponents ability to field creatures and keep Karador in play. Spider Umbra continued to be a key component for cheap protection of Muldrotha.

Muldrotha, the Gravetide vs Urza, Lord High Artificer

2-0 Urza

Good mercy Urza came out swinging! Both games had the same loss condition come up, the inability to deal with Kozilek, Butcher of Truth in a meaningful way. I could kill him, but then him and the rest of the mono-blue artifacts would go back into the deck. I am pretty sure I have an exile card in my deck, but maybe I need a few more to be able to hunt stuff down? Another key bad guy that really kept us down was Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant, but in retrospect I realize I actually hamstringed myself. I should have played a cheap artifact, instant, or sorcery to bait out the counter, then cast the things I actually needed from my graveyard. Metalworker was also nasty, pretty much allowing my opponent to reveal his whole hand to generate 10 colorless mana.

Today was a good day to realize that I need to get more practice in and be very cognizant of things I can do to keep my deck in the game. My deck runs slower but has great power once it is up and running, and I need to practice my skills in controlling early game activity where possible. Overall though I don't feel bad losing to a deck where the 4 cards I listed that impacted me are worth as much as my deck. At some point dollars do come into play!

Thanks for reading, tune in next time!