SCORE: 160 | 329 COMMENTS | 48031 VIEWS | IN 89 FOLDERS Top 8: 07/12
100 +1s! —March 19, 2013
The deck has reached 100 upvotes. Thank you to everyone who has contributed and upvoted the deck. It wouldn't be what it is without all the help I've gotten from the community.
I hate these decks that use thragtusk but i have an answer for it i love how a playmat is up for grabs and its almost like everyone gets desperate cuz youll see how many people bring this deck just to win a stupid playmat heh nice security blanket deck tho
March 18, 2013 3:21 p.m.
hollandboys says... #3
@ Dorsalfin: I like both those ideas. I had Intangible Virtue in here before but I'm not generating enough tokens lately to make it worth it. Trostani, Selesnya's Voice is used in my other junk deck, and I just feel like there isn't space in here for her.
@ bhrusson0: Selesnya Keyrune has been only good for me. It is much harder to remove than any of the other cards mentioned and it gives ramp while being a great target for Kessig Wolf Run later in the game. Dreg Mangler and Call of the Conclave are both too aggro for this build. Vampire Nighthawk and Centaur Healer's spots are filled by Loxodon Smiter which is just better because it can block almost anything in standard without dying.
@ MistahJay: Not sure exactly what you mean. First off, what is your answer for Thragtusk? Second I do not even use a playmat so I'm not sure what you are getting at there. Third I am the only person I've ever seen that plays this deck, most decks where I play are all netdecks like naya, esper control, and Jund. Only 3 non-reanimator junk decks have placed top 8 at major tournaments since gatecrash has been released, see Last, this deck has been my baby since I've gotten into competitive magic, with it going through a plethora of changes to make it end up where it is now, so it is not even close to a security blanket.
March 18, 2013 6:22 p.m.
I was referring to the people that do get carried away when theres a playmat up for grabs usually on gamedays its a nice deck ive seen several decks here that run all different kind of dual lands and depend solely on restoration angel and thragtusk and apparently they play this kind of deck cuz it has a good chance at winning and im not stating my answer to it cuz then people who use this deck will find an answer to how i would deal with their thragtusk much easier i want an edge over thragtusk cuz its one card that causes me problems thats good you put alot of care into your deck most who run a deck similar to this only run it cuz their desperate to win they dont actually like the deck besides the fact it can get them a win
AlphabetEnthusiast says... #1
The Selesnya Keyrune seems like an interesting choice. I feel like Dreg Mangler, Vampire Nighthawk, Centaur Healer, Rhox Faithmender, Arbor Elf, Avacyn's Pilgrim, or Call of the Conclave would be better
March 18, 2013 1:44 p.m.