Glaring Fleshraker

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vintage Legal

Glaring Fleshraker

Creature — Eldrazi Drone

Whenever you cast a colorless spell, create a 0/1 colourless Eldrazi Spawn creature token with "Sacrifice this creature: Add ."

Whenever another colourless creature enters the battlefield under your control, Glaring Fleshraker deals 1 damage to each opponent.

Rhadamanthus on Looking for help with the …

2 weeks ago

When you say "token", it's not clear whether you mean the token copies of Glaring Fleshraker and Propagator Drone that are created by Ulalek, Fused Atrocity's trigger or you mean the Eldrazi Spawn tokens created by Fleshraker's trigger.

This is what you do to maximize the total copies of both Fleshraker and Drone, assuming you want more Fleshrakers:
1. Cast Fleshraker. Ulalek's ability triggers
2. Pay for Ulalek's trigger. You get a copy of the Fleshraker spell
3. Before the copy of the Fleshraker spell starts resolving, respond by casting Drone. Ulalek's ability triggers
4. Pay for Ulalek's trigger. You get a copy of the original Fleshraker spell, the copy of the Fleshraker spell and the Drone spell
5. After everything resolves, you end up with 2 total Drones and 3 total Fleshrakers

Fleshraker does not trigger in this example because it was not on the battlefield while any spells were being cast. If you want some Spawn from the Drone casting, you'll need to let one or both of the Fleshrakers resolve first before casting Drone.

This is what you do to maximize the number of Eldrazi Spawn tokens made from Fleshraker's trigger:
1. Cast Fleshraker. Ulalek's ability triggers
2. Pay for Ulalek's trigger. You get a copy of the Fleshraker spell. Let them both resolve
3. Cast Drone. Ulalek triggers and both Fleshrakers trigger. Order the triggers with Ulalek's on top so it will start resolving first
4. Pay for Ulalek's trigger. You get a copy of the Drone spell and a copy of both Fleshraker triggers
5. After everything resolves, you get the original Drone, a copy of the Drone and a total of 4 Eldrazi Spawn tokens

Note that creating a copy of the Drone spell does not trigger Fleshraker again because the copy isn't being "cast", it's just being created directly on the stack.

wallisface on Looking for help with the …

2 weeks ago

How this works:

  1. You cast Glaring Fleshraker, this doesn’t make you any eldrazi tokens because its not yet on the battlefield yet

  2. While Glaring Fleshraker is still on the stack, you cast Propagator Drone. As Glaring Fleshraker is still on the stack and not in play, you still create no eldrazi tokens.

  3. While both those creatures are on the stack, you pay the ability for Ulalek, Fused Atrocity. You end up with no tokens (as none were made), but a copy of each of those two creatures.

If you’re wanting to create eldrazi tokens from Glaring Fleshraker, it needs to be in play. In which case, the following would happen:

  1. You cast Glaring Fleshraker, this doesn’t make you any eldrazi tokens because its not yet on the battlefield yet. But you let it resolve and enter play.

  2. You cast Propagator Drone. As Glaring Fleshraker is on the battlefield, a trigger is made to create an eldrazi token.

  3. While both the Propagator Drone and eldrazi-token-creating ability are on the stack, you pay the ability for Ulalek, Fused Atrocity. You end up with two tokens (you only copy the ability, the extra Propagator Drone isn’t cast so doesn’t make more), and a copy of Propagator Drone.

bhst5019 on Looking for help with the …

2 weeks ago

I am having difficulty setting up the stack in this scenario. How many tokens are created and whether if I pay Ulalek, Fused Atrocity ability its copied as though it has been paid for 2 total. So, I have Ulalek, Fused Atrocity and Leyline of Anticipation with enough mana to cast the next 2 Eldrazi spells. I proceed to cast Glaring Fleshraker and Propagator Drone both at instant speed due to layline. My guess is this is what happens as far as the stack is concerned.

cast Glaring Fleshraker

Trigger Ulalek, Fused Atrocity

Cast [[Propagator Drone]

Trigger Ulalek, Fused Atrocity paying this one

The way I think it works is this.

casted Glaring Fleshraker 1 token

Trigger Ulalek, Fused Atrocity

Casted Propagator Drone 1 Token

Copied Trigger Ulalek, Fused Atrocity *paying this one


casted Glaring Fleshraker 2 tokens

Trigger Ulalek, Fused Atrocity *not paying

Casted Propagator Drone 2 Tokens

Copied Copied Trigger Ulalek, Fused Atrocity

So I end up with 3 total Propagator Drones and 3 total Glaring Fleshrakers. Is my thinking correct?

Andramalech on Eldrazi Seasons

1 month ago

sergiodelrio thanks for the feedback on the list!

  • from my play tests, I have found that the Deserted Temple is able to guarantee me +1 Mana when I walk out the steps. I understand it isn't a huge advantage, but it's just enough to give me some gas for one more Chromatic Sphere, etc. and that could be all the difference in when I'm getting my permanents to the field.

I.e.; if I cast a Labyrinth/Maze on one, and a Deserted Temple on turn two, I can still cast my Glaring Fleshraker on turn two.

Since a big portion of my deck is getting cast for zero, I decided to prioritize having that "and one more" mentality, it has panned out well in my testing.

Thanks for your commentary! I look forward to hearing from you further.

Coward_Token on Modern Horizons 3

1 month ago

Glaring Fleshraker can probably do work with cheerios

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