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Coward_Token on Modern Horizons 3

5 days ago

No actual leaks in the thread, people! Official previews starts at May the 13th!


Kudo, King Among Bears seems pretty fun, although I hope there's going to be more bear kindred support. Since he affects all creatures, stuff like Alpha Status and OG Norn works. And They Shall Know No Fear is Heroic Intervention at home, and Roaming Throne works for all of your creatures. Go-wide tokens seems like it would work, as would 0/0 creatures like Kalonian Hydra. Might be worth looking into the EDHREC cards for the two selesnya cat legends from Lost Caverns of Ixalan?

Herigast, Erupting Nullkite Kinda feel like an Emerge commander would be black and/or green instead? IDK how to abuse this either, red doesn't have that many good "overcosted" creatures like Avatar of Fury.

Null Elemental Blast: yeah this is really good in EDH, where every random utility land taps for .

Final Act: playable experience counter hate in EDH.