Marrow Shards

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Marrow Shards


( can be paid with for either or 2 life.)

Marrow Shards deals 1 damage to each attacking creature.

lhetrick13 on Dinosaurs Tribal

1 year ago

This deck looks like it plays very similar to my dino tribal (Spared No Expense!!!) in the main theme is to trigger the Enrage ability of the many dinosaurs. Main difference is yours focuses on pumping the dinos with +1/+1 counters with either Bellowing Aegisaur or their own ability and then multiplying the effect with Hardened Scales.

The main thing I would suggest is this deck needs some speed...Your average creature cost is roughly 3.5 CMC and you are only running 20 lands. You do have 3xOtepec Huntmaster to lower the cost of those dinos but generally, I feel like you are consistently going to be hurting for land to cast dinosaurs if you do not start with or draw Siegehorn Ceratops or Otepec Huntmaster.

You are also running a lot of great instants/sorceries/enchantments for your theme but I think you are going to have to sacrifice some of those to make room for some extra lands and maybe even some more cards to lower the cost of the dinos. Right now, it just seems like the deck will take until like turn 4-5 to start hitting a stride and you do not have any interactions besides Savage Stomp or some spells that deal a targeted 1 damage or a general 1 damage to really slow down an opponent.

I love the idea of the deck as a you can make Siegehorn Ceratops a monster on turn 3 with a Rile followed by a Savage Stomp when Hardened Scales is in play but that is an ideal hand...I am trying to make suggestions for when you do not get that hand.

A card you might consider instead of Gut Shot would be Marrow Shards. Both share the no cost ability and instant speed but Marrow Shards can be used for defense or a mass enrage trigger when your dinos attack. The loss is you can not hit a player for 1 damage any longer...pros and cons.

sergiodelrio on Burn The Frogs

3 years ago

Marrow Shards for the Blades! Speeds up your deck

+1 for the homebrew!

dingusdingo on Geneva Format Cards List

3 years ago

Here are my thoughts

Don't split the land cycles

It is infinitely easier to say "Oh Geneva has painlands and checklands" rather than "Okay so Dimir has Drowned Catacomb next Boros has Sunbaked Canyon" etc. This is an ease of access point for getting started in the format but also regularly building decks in the format. Having to remember specifically which lands from all the different land cycles go into what color groups will be a huge turn off for most players. I also suggest keeping 5 color cycles for non-land cards intact too; if you have Gold Myr then include the other 4 colors as well.

Include X spells

Aside from giving nice offerings to decks as games go long, it gives you a use for all that ritual style mana ramp in the format.

Focus your ideas for the format

Currently, it seems like Legacy card pool with Pioneer power levels, except the only style of play is "Make synergy then swing creature". When you wanted to make a new format, what prompted you to do so? Is there a certain type of deck you are trying to bring to prominence, or a certain type of deck you don't want to see in the format? I think you should approach from a top-down design, rather than throwing cards at the board and seeing what sticks. It will also help in selling your idea to players, "Hey try my new format, it lets you do X Y and Z different from the other formats!"

Consider the power level you want

Your most well developed themes are madness and lifegain, both stompy builds of medium-low power level. Meanwhile, you have one of the absolute most efficient pieces of removal ever printed with Swords to Plowshares as well as 3 various alternate casting cost creature removal spells. Having hyper efficient creature removal and almost entirely creature based damage to win will create some stale gameplay rather quickly.

Focus on deck archetypes

A healthy metagame has aggro, midrange, and control, the eternal rock-paper-scissors of MTG. Aggro has good match up against control but hard against midrange, midrange is good against aggro and weak to control, and control is good against midrange but weak to aggro. Within that basic rock-paper-scissors, also consider well-known deck archetypes and builds. Some that come to mind are burn, spellslinger, combo, white weenies, tribal, prison, and mill. The format should appeal to Timmies, Johnnies, and Spikes in various ways. If I'm Johnny combo player and the only way to "combo" win is play life gain cards + life gain pay offs + attack with creatures, I'm going to lose interest in the format.

That being said, I highly recommend you get a good splash of cards into the pool for various archetypes before you get into the minutia of what each deck will play, this is currently still barer than bare-bones. Siege Rhino seems like it will be a deck to you right now, but it might not once you get the rest of the format fleshed out.

Play to each color's strengths

This format is currently just creature whack. Green is the creature and ramp color, but is primarily serving to ramp other colors and doesn't have good beaters. Blue is known for drawing and counter magic, of which we see almost none of yet. Look at the colors and think about the keywords that go alongside them, as well as non-creature spells. Red is going to want cards with haste, especially 1 drops, but also a variety of direct damage cards. Blue is going to want a handful more draw cards, probably bounce and countermagic too. Black could benefit from another discard effect beyond Duress, and that opens the door for Megrim to be a deck. Look for perennial keywords like trample, flying, first strike, haste, and even protection from color if you're feeling spicy.

Think about threats and answers

Empty the Warrens is a storm card that could fit well into a creature heavy format without throwing the entire format to Storm but still providing a new deck archetype and varied play for the format. It is a high caliber threat for decks to close games, but there are also tons of answers decks can use to handle it, such as Pyroclasm or Wrath of God or the already in-set Marrow Shards. Thinking about how decks win is crucial to designing the format, but having answers in mind for the threats keeps the format balanced. It will give players a better and more interactive experience, and it will raise the value of sideboarding immensely. Do you have a graveyard based combo for Combo Johnny? Well a Tormod's Crypt sounds like a great include to keep them in check. Lots of big hexproof/shrouded creatures for midrange to fight control? Give control effects to get around them like Chainer's Edict or even just more wrath effects. If you want the format to be dynamic, create threats and create answers.

Find synergies for cards already in the format

Do you want every deck to be a goodstuffs pile? Nobody wants that. Look to cards that are already included and give players deckbuilding choices. For example, you might think that Voltaic Key is an excellent way to get some more mileage from Worn Powerstone, and that inclusion of Voltaic Key will lead you to a few other cards that work well with the pair. Give players options, and think about the things a player will want available to them. Finding cards that nestle in alongside existing cards is an excellent way to start.

Daveslab2022 on Card creation challenge

4 years ago

Lightmine Field and Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile would argue it’s merely a color pie shift. Also white has characteristically had damage during combat type effects. Gideon's Reproach and etc. Rain of Blades Marrow Shards

APPLE01DOJ on Anti goblin deck

5 years ago

Marrow Shards is great anti-goblin tech that can slot into any deck.

APPLE01DOJ on U/B Wrath sideboard help

5 years ago

I mean if 8Wack is prevelant in your meta Marrow Shards destroys it.

Okay after looking at your deck I can't understand how 18 lands seems appropriate, maybe I'm missing something? I would think with 4 kill spells (probably should be Fatal Push) and 6 counters you could survive long enough to cast Damnation assuming you're not mana screwed every game.

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