Axelrod Gunnarson
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Axelrod Gunnarson

Legendary Creature — Giant


Whenever a creature dealt damage by Axelrod Gunnarson this turn dies, you gain 1 life and Axelrod deals 1 damage to target player.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Treacherous Werewolf
Quarum Trench Gnomes
Rotting Giant
Spin Engine
Street Sweeper
Two-Headed Giant of Foriys

mauricio49b on Legends by Plane

3 years ago

The Vorthos in me loves DemonDragonJ's commander by home plane, so I wanted to expand that to all eligible commanders and legends. Don't nitpick me, but I am also including Planeswalkers and some unofficial commanders in this list due to them being notable figures in magic lore, and some casual circles use them as commanders. Placements are made due to lore reasons and my best judgement. Several planes have pretext to explain some categorization choices. I'll update this list over time of course. Currently Updated to Innistrad, Crimson Vow (VOW, 2021).

Alara Show

Bablovia Show

Dominaria Show

Dominia Show

Innistrad Show

Kamigawa Show

Muraganda Show

New Phyrexia Show

Ravnica Show

Shadowmoor Show

Theros Show

Zendikar Show

Unknown Show

Special Show

Universes Beyond Show

Worth noting that most of the earlier unknown origins (especially LEG) can be assumed to be Dominaria, but there's not official confirmation and for all pre-mending sets, having a spark wasn't required for planar travel. If the set takes place on multiple planes, and there isn't explicit confirmation of which plane they reside, they go in unknown. Post Mending (Post Future Sight), creatures are assumed to be from the setting of the current plane, unless otherwise stated.

If this isn't enough vorthos for you, check out

Gidgetimer on How to design white card …

4 years ago

Card draw is not a necessity in EDH. There are other ways to gain card advantage besides explicitly drawing a card and there are other resource advantages to consider besides cards. There are plenty of ways to build a mono-white deck that make it viable at low to mid power tables. At high powered tables not all strategies or commanders are going to be viable. This may mean that you find white's tools are not efficient enough. But to me that is the same as complaining that Axelrod Gunnarson isn't viable at high power tables. Splash a color if you are that concerned about drawing FFS.

Pheardemons on Pattern Recognition #123 - Slow …

4 years ago


While I've read all of your articles, I cannot recall if you've addressed this particular subject (whether directly or indirectly) in magic. Can you talk about the evolution of power in creatures? For example, Legends has creatures like Adun Oakenshield , Angus Mackenzie , and Axelrod Gunnarson (not to exclude the others). While Throne of Elderaine (a standard set) is producing a card called Kenrith, the Returned King which is a creature with much more utility than most. Deathrite Shaman is even (jokingly) considered to be a "planeswalker" for all intents and purposes because of the utility. While not creatures per se, Theros gave us the legendary artifacts that have multiple purposes such as Bow of Nylea . There are multiple patterns of cards that Wizards is pushing that seem to be more utility based than just brute power. If this makes sense, is it worth considering an article?

Eiti3 on Most Obscure/unknown commanders/cards for the …

7 years ago

Welcome to my area of expertise. I love building decks nobody has ever thought up and using cards that are purely jank. I'll name a commander and then couple cards people have either forgot or think are useless and a general theme you could play (no pressure to play it that way).

  • Asmira, Holy Avenger: Hunting Grounds, Centaur Omenreader, Nacatl War-Pride. I'd try either a token based deck (Eldrazi Spawn/Scions) that powers itself off of sacrificing creatures (Birthing Pod and Ashnod's Altar) or a Cleric tribal with some recursion (Children of Korlis and Grave Sifter).

  • Atalya, Samite Master: Cleansing, Well of Lost Dreams, Celestial Dawn. You could play a stax and/or group slug deck, abusing your life gaining abilities (Heartstone, Rings of Brighthearth and Illusionist's Bracers) or a surprise fatty deck that drops a huge dude (Phyrexian Processor or Vengeful Archon) thanks to mana doublers (Extraplanar Lens, Gauntlet of Power, and Caged Sun).

  • Axelrod Gunnarson: Kusari-Gama, Invasion Plans, Dolmen Gate. Axelrod would be your standard voltron deck, but to spice it up, why not make it so you do those "group hug" cards that give your opponents creatures (Varchild's War-Riders) and make them block so you end up doing damage and a In Garruk's Wake each combat? Don't forget some sort of deathtouch (Whip of Erebos.)

  • Ayumi, the Last Visitor: Cream of the Crop, Greater Good, Nantuko Mentor. Another deck where you would instantly think voltron, right? Maybe do an ETB deck focusing on your commander and her power (a surprising amount of cards that deal with power). Sac'ing it for whatever reason (Birthing Pod or Greater Good) and then recurring it somehow (Eternal Witness or Lifeline) to make some extremely unlikely combos.
  • And those are just the "A's" when I searched on gatherer for all legendary creatures. I could go on, but it's up to your creativity. If you like what I'm pitchin, feel free to either take one of these ideas or do some research of your own on a commander you might want to do something phunky with.

    Livingham on Heavy Metal + Magic cards …

    7 years ago

    I've always loved Indestructible Aura, it's a terrible card and is not only not an aura but it doesn't give anything indestructible. Regardless, I feel like the art is just too metal not to include. While also a terrible card, Axelrod Gunnarson seems like he fits right in seeing as his name could easily belong to the lead guitarist of a metal band.

    TheDracogenius on Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]

    7 years ago

    I would argue that Melira, Sylvok Outcast does belong in tier 4 rather than 5, since there are a couple of combos with her and persist creatures like Woodfall Primus that are truly devastating if you have a sacrafice outlet and not that hard to fire off. Melira is by no means consistantly broken or the best choice for a mono green deck, but I have seen lists that are fairly competetive. I just think that it is unfair to give her the same grade as Axelrod Gunnarson, because she is a key card in many combos you can assemble fairly quick with all the creature tutors green has.

    Lame_Duck on Most Useless Commander?

    7 years ago

    The_Raven, Axelrod Gunnarson is far from useless; he has the fantastic ability of giving you an excuse to say the name Axelrod Gunnarson.

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