Kathril, Aspect Warper
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Kathril, Aspect Warper

Legendary Creature — Nightmare Insect

When Kathril, Aspect Warper enters the battlefield, put a flying counter on any creature you control if a creature card in your graveyard has flying. Repeat this process for first strike, double strike, deathtouch, hexproof, indestructible, lifelink, menace, reach, trample and vigilance. Then put a +1/+1 counter on Kathril for each counter put on a creature this way.

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Selective Adaptation
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FatFreddiesCat on Abilities of creatures in the …

7 months ago

If Kathril, Aspect Warper is my commander, when she ETBs will she give tokens for creatures in the graveyard with activated abilities, like Thornling or only innate abilities like Avacyn, Angel of Hope??

LordKunai on Kethis LegendaryKeywordsGraveyard (Secret Kathril)

7 months ago

hi there! love the deck. I actually had a question about a potential add to the deck. So I know conditional keywords are a bit awkward for Kathril, Aspect Warper, but I was wondering about Tadeas, Juniper Ascendent? I can't see why hexproof wouldn't apply for kathril's effect because if Tadeas is in the graveyard, he certainly is not attacking, therefore he would have hexproof correct? Also, why is tadeas not on mtg website and it also will not show up on here???

UltimateRoxas40 on Kathril, Nightmare of Indatha [Keyword Primer]

11 months ago

Turnerrenrut93 Thanks for looking at the deck! I actually had Odric, Lunarch Marshal in here for a while, but eventually, he felt less and less useful. More often than not, he would stay in my hand until I had enough keywords on the field to generate the keyword anthem effect for a big swing, and even then, it either didn't matter too much or he would just ETB and kinda sit there.

This deck is less about building a large army to swing out at players, it's to quietly put targeted pieces into the graveyard to ensure Kathril, Aspect Warper can swing for lethal damage. I'm rarely attacking other players with a lot of creatures, usually just one or two, especially if I want one of my creatures to die and go to the graveyard to fuel Kathril, Aspect Warper.

But that's my own thoughts on him. If you're planning to go more aggro with this kind of deck, Odric, Lunarch Marshal would definitely be an included creature. I'd love to see your deck whenever it's finished/uploaded!

Necrosis24 on Should I Put Doom Whisperer …

1 year ago

I love doom whisperer I run it in my Kathril, Aspect Warper deck and it is a great way to dump around 10-20 cards into your graveyard in one turn for either a massive pay off through Rise of the Dark Realms or finding a combo piece.

In your case you won't really be taking advantage of the recursion route so it would be more so used to search for answers or a combo piece. Since you are focusing on life gain you will likely be able to dig pretty deep. If you have a combo that you want to dig for that can win you the game I'd say go for it. Otherwise it isn't a bad card and you will still get card advantage out of it but isn't a necessary one.

If anything just proxy it and test it out. See how it actually plays out.

UltimateRoxas40 on Kathril, Nightmare of Indatha [Keyword Primer]

1 year ago

KBK7101, thanks for that!

I enjoy doing these primers/write-ups for my decks. I can give detailed instructions on how I play the deck, and it also makes me think more carefully about my card selections. More than once I've been doing these deck primers and thought 'Huh, I don't think this card actually works as well as I thought'.

And this is also why I do these write-ups, to get suggestions like Tortured Existence! I've never heard of this card until now haha. That does seem pretty useful. If I'm understanding that correctly, I could cast Kathril, Aspect Warper, then in response to that cast trigger, activate Tortured Existence to flash a creature into the graveyard to give Kathril, Aspect Warper those keywords. That seems pretty powerful, especially if our opponents have some targeted graveyard removal effects. I'll add it to my considering list and try to figure out where to slot it in!

Gidgetimer on Do Monstrous effects count as …

1 year ago

Fleecemane Lion doesn't have the key word abilities hexproof and indestructible. It has an ability that grants those abilities. So, Kathril, Aspect Warper will not distribute counters from it.

The same is true for things that will have a keyword ability from an unconditional static ability at all times when they are on the battlefield. The Archetypes (Archetype of Endurance, Archetype of Finality, Archetype of Courage) do not have keyword abilities to distribute the keyword counters from.

BishopAtavist on Do Monstrous effects count as …

1 year ago

I'm building a deck that incorporates Kathril, Aspect Warper and I'm wondering, if Fleecemane Lion is in my graveyard, would I be able to distribute counters for hexproof and indestructible since his card has that ability when monstrous?

Dazard on Who wants some keyword soup?

2 years ago

@ bushido_man96 Thanks a lot for your comment (and upvote). I'm always happy about some advices and guidance :)

Oriq Loremage is already locked in.

I mainly want to use Minion Reflector to be able to distribute twice as much counters with Kathril, Aspect Warper to either my other creatures or Kathril itself. So while the original Kathril has to hold back with attacking (summoning sickness), the token (copy) of it can already swing in for some heavy commander damage due to the haste ability. To me this sounds like a good plan, or am i missing something here?

Carddraw-wise i feel the same - there should be more in it. But isn't Rishkar's Expertise a bit situational? What if i just got boardwiped? And if i have the "big guys" out already i am probably fine anyways even with a thin hand. Or is this just me, being an unexperienced mtg player thinking stupid stuff like this? Maybe just add "simpler" card draws like Night's Whisper etc.?

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