...they said I was crazy.

Standard* cooknathan


New combos and smaller deck —July 24, 2013

Thanks to ItchiUchiha117's friend for a little inspiration. New combo is hilarious Traumatize/Enter the Infinite + Psychic Spiral with backup from Omniscience and Laboratory Maniac if needed. This is deceptively strong with the amount of tutor in the deck.

With a good backup plan the deck can now afford to be a little slimmer down 10 cards to 230. Sideboard has been added.

I think this will be close to the final iteration of the deck for standard. Thanks to everyone for your help. Keep the comments and +1 coming! YAY BATTLE OF WITS!!

gbjfrtswym says... #1

Did the rule of being able to shuffle your deck without assistance get removed? This card seems ridiculous. Neat idea if it works...

July 15, 2013 10:15 p.m.

cooknathan says... #2

I think the rule still exist (although I couldnt find it in the comprehensive rules or tournament rules... huh) and it gets bought up every now and then by opponents. I usually split the deck into 2 piles of 120, shuffle then join the piles, which isn't much more difficult than shuffling two EDH decks. I'm pretty quick and thorough so I haven't had any complaints yet.

Thanks, ridiculous is what I was going for lol. It works well except against many aggro decks (which it keeps coming up against gah). Although not the most competitive thing, its a challenge and a lot of fun!

July 15, 2013 11:04 p.m.

gbjfrtswym says... #3

I checked all over the magic site rules and couldn't find any rule stating that there was a limit. Just things of the nature of "Constructed decks must contain a minimum of sixty cards. There is no maximum deck size. If a player chooses to use a sideboard, it may not contain more than fifteen cards." for Constructed Tournaments.

And more general rules state: "100.5. There is no maximum deck size." Wizzards Magic Rules.

No if, and, or, buts to it... Just no maximum deck size... I always tease my friend about her 100+ card deck that she has trouble shuffling sometimes quoting what I thought was the rule, but she will be pleased to know that I can't actually find the ruling anywhere valid.

July 15, 2013 11:44 p.m.

ItchiUchiha117 says... #4

This is lovely.

A friend ran a Battle of Wits deck with at least 3 other win cons, including Laboratory Maniac (used Enter the Infinite for that, it was horrible) and Maze's End . There were a lot less boardwipes, but he still won 90% of his games, including against a Legacy Dredge deck, somehow.

Anyways, +1.

July 16, 2013 12:03 a.m.

cooknathan says... #5

Hahaha Enter the Infinite + Laboratory Maniac is about the funniest thing ever in this deck! I might just have to put that in there or at least sideboard. Or even Enter the Infinite into Psychic Spiral lol

Ahhh. Thanks, you made my day.

July 16, 2013 9:55 p.m.

ItchiUchiha117 says... #6

Keep in mind with Psychic Spiral that it's targeted and someone my kill you before you have a chance to set it off.

July 16, 2013 11:08 p.m.

cooknathan says... #7

Im aware. Im also thinking Traumatize . Will do some testing tonight.

July 17, 2013 12:13 a.m.