The Heron Marked Master

Commander / EDH Demarge


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Tyqar says... #1

Love the reference. +1 before I even look at the list.

June 9, 2012 6:34 a.m.

GobOnThese says... #2

Awesome build +1, my only suggestion is Condemn would be good for another source of spot removal

September 7, 2012 12:56 a.m.

ravengamer93 says... #3

I thought you might like Far Wanderings because it reminded me of the book and its crazy good. could even replace Cultivate

September 7, 2012 3:28 a.m.

Demarge says... #4

Condemn would definitely be good to tuck away an opposing general, but it's a bit conditional and it's one of those cards some people don't like to play against. If I find room I could consider it.

Far Wanderings ' threshold is pretty good, but it doesn't offer what Cultivate does if I cast it early and that's to be at at least 5 mana the next turn to cast Sigarda, but it could be useful in Ghave in progress (if I ever manage to cut the last 15 cards...)

September 8, 2012 7:19 p.m.

SandyDufresne says... #5

+1 for name alone.

December 8, 2012 11:12 p.m.

Demarge says... #6

Thanks, though any opinion on the deck beyond the name? I've been thinking of finding room for a Chromatic Lantern to try to smooth out the occasional all utility land hands.

December 9, 2012 12:08 a.m.

Rofelos says... #7

It looks like your plan will definitely work. I'm wondering how you usually get killed. If it's combo then I'd play your maybeboard's Return to Dust and Relic Crush. If it's creature hoards I'd play Aurification and Beacon of Immortality. Peace.

March 3, 2013 6:04 p.m.

Demarge says... #8

My biggest killer of this deck Rofelos was actually when someone would take 5+ turns in a row or when I'm ganged up on (the last one happens to me almost every game... it could be due to the fact that I seem to always win multiplayer if they don't)

March 4, 2013 2:42 a.m.