Sultai Midrange **Suggestions are Welcome :D**

Standard* DalDakota


Edit 3 —Dec. 28, 2014

Figured out that I didn't have to change the description every time I had an update! :P

Went down to the LGS today to hopefully attend a draft, but not enough players showed so we just played around. After doing bad with my deck, we and some guys got talking and made some changes; mostly to my mana base. One of the guys kicked in and bought me a play set of Temple of Deceit's (AWESOME) and we also added some Thornwood Fall's and Jungle Hollow's. It turns out that this helped the deck A LOT. Aside from that one of the players gave me two Whip of Erebos's, but with all the X costs I am running they didn't really fit well. The lifelink on all of my creatures was pretty great, but I don't know what I should take out to replace them.

My removal worked wonders as I was countering and destroying lots of threats. I even Despised some Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker's out of some hands. Ultimately I didn't to fantastic, but I was doing OK and that is a start :D

It may seem weird that I main boarded the Mistcutter Hydra's, but in all honestly they really turned this deck around. In almost all of the games that I played the Mistcutter's were a HUGE part of me winning. IF THERE IS ANY CREATURE THAT YOU THINK IS BETTER PLEASE TELL ME SO I CAN TEST IT OUT!!!

Updated deck list