RUG Engine Revised

Standard weisemanjohn


rotation update —Sept. 25, 2014

Well, the deck has done okay the past few fnm/wnm it went to, but mana screwing me with flooding just kept me off of perfect game.

Kalonian Hydra unfortunately is rotating so I'll have to say good bye to him, but in his place can like Stormbreath Dragon who, while not quite as efficient I think, still is quite amazing and allows this deck to live on. It'll be put away for a while in favor of midrange fun where my play style truly lives, but the deck does not need to be dismantled for my other build.

mpapp591 says... #1

I like this deck a lot. I play tested it against my Jund midrange deck. Game 1: I won with Stormbreath Dragon while we had Scuttling Doom Engine /Mistcutter Hydra in a stand off against polukranos with 2 counters and some chumpers. Game 2: You won with a turn 3 genetaor servant'd Kalonian Hydra that became wayyyyyyy too big to deal with and no kill spells in hand. Game 3: I had 2 Stormbreath Dragon s soar through for a lackluster win. So in conclusion I would say to throw in some stormbreath dragons too. They should be real easy to hit with Satyr Hedonist in play. Also I loved Scuttling Doom Engine . It is a pain to deal with. Taking that 6 damage is bitter sweet to seeing it die.

+1 though! I'm gonna sleeve it and play around with it for awhile.


September 4, 2014 4:15 p.m.

mpapp591 says... #2

I'm thinking maybe 2 Thassa and 2 Stormbreath instead of the Mistcutters. What do you think? Maybe Aqueous Form is more efficient to the aggro-esque theme.

September 4, 2014 4:27 p.m.

weisemanjohn says... #3


I have considered storm breath, I just don't want to drop the money on him with khans coming up and thoughts on a new deck. I added the mistcutters because I often got stuck with all gas and nowhere to go so a mistcutter made a east dumping ground for mana and people don't seem to like the haste it has. On top of that, it can be comboed with kalonian the turn before for double sized.

I'm not sure about thassa as yes she gives unlockable, but I often am not in need since kalonian gets big enough to deal with most threats and scuttling doom engine likes to stare down just about any creature

September 4, 2014 4:38 p.m.

xcn says... #4

Stormy is probably the best Kalonian Hydra replacement, but is obviously crazyballs expensive because of how good it is. The upcoming Sagu Mauler in Khans costs more mana and doesn't go out of control like the Hydra, but Hexproof makes it harder for a lot of decks to fight, and hasting it is a nasty surprise.

Temur Ascendancy as a one or two of can help you not run out of gas once it comes out, especially since Mistcutter is often going to be cast for X=4 or more.

September 6, 2014 12:51 p.m.