Ral Zarek and His Best Friend

Standard* Castform


Castform says... #1

Yah I Understand what you mean by late game beats, I had the memory adept cause Bolas and drownyard were rotating, so I needed a an alternative win con and had an open walker slot.

Yah I am not really a big fan of either of those cards, I really hope we see something more viable in theros.

I would almost thing a Mind Grind would be better than traumatize since you will tend to get it off later in the game. Meaning you will be able to pay a greater X value and they have already burned through a good portion of their deck meaning you will get less cards with Traumatize .

August 18, 2013 10:12 p.m.

dkslapshot says... #2

Found an answer in M14.


It's cheap and the interaction with Mizzium Mortars and Supreme Verdict on their turn would be viable.

Also think about this: cast it then board wipe and then Obzedat phases back in and swings for 5.

August 18, 2013 11:19 p.m.

Castform says... #3

Eh, I hate that card, and have since its original printing in guildpact. Its so deceiving, The fact is the chance that that situation will happen is so low. Its a cantrip, but its first ability will almost never come into play.

August 19, 2013 12:22 a.m.

Umbreomancer says... #4

Wouldn't Quicken still be a one-mana instant card draw?And maybe stick one or two of the Obzedat's Aid to get Nicol Bolas out by discarding him using Izzet Charm?

August 19, 2013 11:01 p.m.

Castform says... #5

Actually if you read some of the comments, you can see the direction the deck has gone. The previous version had obzedat's aid and I just took them out this last Friday to experiment with different ways the deck can work. As you can see we are adding more draw effects to add some needed consistency and fill gaps. Since there is not much room I chose to move azorius charm to mainboard because it has utility and does not have to be used as a draw spell if not needed (Same as izzet charm). I am going with quality over quantity here, Quicken just does not compare to Forbidden Alchemy because although it is more mana it lets you see more cards and is reusable. Quicken can likely replace itself as it is a one mana cantrip spell, but think of the value these two cards have throughout the game.

If I consider the early game aspect of quicken I would likely just be cycling it, later in the game it could be used in combination with an instant speed verdict, and as a top deck can likely just mean nothing.

If I consider the early game of forbidden alchemy we cannot use it till turn 3 but it likely means I can find whatever I need at that point (Land, removal, lantern, planeswalker), later in the game it is just as helpful finding that counter spell or removal at instant speed, and top decking means that you will likely get to look at 8 cards meaning your win condition most likely.

I am looking for something like forbidden alchemy when Theros comes out.

August 19, 2013 11:23 p.m.

Castform says... #6

So Thoughtseize is being reprinted, where do you think would be the best spot in this deck to put it?

August 30, 2013 2:25 p.m.

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