Card design challange (Red multicolor uncommon voting)

Community Set


27 April 2012


Time and time again, we're always impressed with what our Tapped Out community has to offer! TNow, let's get some formalities out of the way before we get to the top card submissions.

Voting Rules

  1. Each player should vote for their favorite cards below. Vote for one red card, one red/black cards, and one white/black card. You may vote for cards by users or design team members.
  2. Each player should provide feedback on the cards for which they voted, such as possible changes.
  3. Each player may provide feedback on any of the other cards that are presented as well. Just be clear on what cards your are voting for and which ones you are simply commenting on.
  4. Design team members will not be voting, so if you do not like their designs and you all vote for something else, we will not win (which is fine).

To help with your decisions, this link will give you some background about Chavest:

Alright, here we go. Take a look at these card designs and vote for your favorites.

Red Cards User designs

Fault Lines by Yourman
Design Team comments and suggestions:

The design team liked the overall idea of this card but were split over whether or not to make it a creature 50-50.
Volcanic Terrain by mistory
Design Team comments and suggestions:

Unanimously, the design team saw this as overpowered in the current state. We all agree that even a 1-2 cmc increase could help that out.
Self Flagellation by dude1818
Design Team comments and suggestions:

This is an instant version of Wrack with Madness. It is a tiny bit harder to cast and is uncommon so maybe as is, but maybe an increase in cost is necessary.
Impassioned Ringleader by pyrefiend
Design Team comments and suggestions:

We all agreed that this card is fine at a +1/+0 buff but not at +2/+0.

Red Cards Design team designs

Balif of Varhas by Xander574
Firespit Imp by squire1
Last resort by $ªmHεiπ
Magma Mage by mistergreen527

Black/Red Cards User designs

Fires of the Darkest Void by esterk
Design Team comments and suggestions:

Some of the members of the design team indicated that the activation cost could be deacreased, others were fine with the card as is.
Blightburst by Jarrod_0067
Design Team comments and suggestions:

We liked this card as is.
Hateful Verdict by pyrefiend
Design Team comments and suggestions:

One member of the team was concerned that the targeting stipulation felt a bit white. Other members suggested a CC of 2BR for balance.
Intolerant Conscript by Yourman
Design Team comments and suggestions:

One member of the design team felt that this was or should be a mono-red card.

Black/Red Cards Design team designs

Mutual Sacrifice by Xander574
Phoenix-Song Ritual by squire1
Ritual Sacrifice by $ªmHεiπ
Chaven Decree by mistergreen527

Black/White Cards User designs

Twilight Angle by IronHead
Design Team comments and suggestions:

One design team member commented, "Might be cool if the same player lost the life, kind of like the backwards Laquatus's Champion." other than that its groovy.
Chavest's Servant by feratu
Design Team comments and suggestions:

We all liked the card and the flavor. We think that it would be best to give it flying due to creature type. And we all agreed that it must be a 4/2 not 5/3
Enforcer of Laws by dude1818
Design Team comments and suggestions:

one member thought that maybe the ability should require tapping, but other than that good stuff.
Otherworldly Servant by Gopackgo7
Design Team comments and suggestions:

no problems, one person was not crazy about this as a viashino.

Black/White Design team designs

Honest deciever by Xander574
Blinding Void by squire1
Dark Divine by $ªmHεiπ
Treacherous Beacon by mistergreen527

All votes must be submitted in the comments below by midnight EST on Tuesday, May 1st, 2012.

This article is a follow-up to Card Design Challenge (Chavest's Other Uncommons) The next article in this series is Community Card Set Voting (BWG uncommons)

Mpz5 says... #1

Volcanic Terrain seems very balanced to me as a land sac is usually crippling. I would be hesitant to play it at 1 cmc in most decks, wouldn't touch it if it cost 2 or more. Early game it will have decent impact but slow you way down and late game, chances are it would not be all that powerful but shouldn't hurt you much either. I vote it as long as it stays as is, if it get's worse, I wouldn't even look at it.

Phoenix-Song Ritual seems fun and fairly costed IMO. If anything reduce the mana cost by 1 since it's a mana and life sink which is usually somewhat undesirable. It get's my vote.

Enforcer of Laws seems solid to me. wouldn't run it if it had to tap though. I'd say keep it as it. It get's my vote.

April 27, 2012 10:54 a.m.

mossflower says... #2

I vote for Self Flagellation, as is.

I agree that Phoenix-song ritual seems pretty great, and I also wouldn't be opposed to reducing it's CMC by one.

Last vote is for Chavest's Servant with flying, as an angel-demon has to be flying. And reduce p/t to 4/2.

April 27, 2012 3:34 p.m.

CrushU says... #3

Volcanic Terrain can make do just being changed to Sorcery speed.

Baliff of Varhas is worded oddly. Gains First Strike, doesn't wear off at end of turn? Seems a bit powerful.

My vote goes to Magma Mage, but drop him to 1R cost, I think. Grim LavamancerMTG Card: Grim Lavamancer does similar work, but is easier to use, cheaper, and also a rare. Prodigal PyromancerMTG Card: Prodigal Pyromancer is a 2R pinger for 1, adding costs to the ability for damage should also drop cost of the card.

Hateful Verdict and Intolerant Conscript are fine as written; They're a bit powerful for the CMC, but they're also multi-color, which is usually harder to accomplish than mono-colored counterparts.

My vote goes to Ritual Sacrifice.

So many good White/Black cards though. I'll go for Blinding Void, I guess. Change it so it says Another target tapped creature? 4-mana destroy a creature is in rare territory, I think. (Sever the BloodlineMTG Card: Sever the Bloodline is Mythic.))

Btw, I assume you mean Treacherous Deacon, not Beacon. ;)

April 27, 2012 6:43 p.m.

mistory says... #4

Vote for fault lines, like it as is.

Vote for mutual sacrifice, as is.

Vote for treacherous beacon, maybe make it a 3/2 to make it a little more powerful while still making it easy to kill.

Also when creating volcanic terrain I looked at the difference between RazeMTG Card: Raze and Stone RainMTG Card: Stone Rain (raze costs 2 less but you have to sac a land). Volcanic terrain costs 2 less than Volcanic FalloutMTG Card: Volcanic Fallout but you have to sac a land. Yes, you can play it earlier, but there wouldn't be much of a point as aggro decks wouldn't be able to amass a large enough army until turn 3 or 4 so that it would be worth it.

April 27, 2012 6:45 p.m.

Mpz5 says... #5

I agree Volcanic Terrain is a cool card as is, if it get's worse I would never consider it.

April 27, 2012 9:40 p.m.

gamerboy6000 says... #6

R: Last Resort

B/R: Chaven Decree

B/W: Otherworldly Servant

April 28, 2012 10:33 a.m.

Gopackgo7 says... #7

R: Volcanic Terrain as 1R

B/R: Blightburst

B/W: Otherworldly Servant, although original design credit should go to gamerboy6000

April 28, 2012 1:04 p.m.

slowtyper77 says... #8

Last Resort 5 mana for ten damage... Too powerful. I want to see it printed.

April 28, 2012 1:08 p.m.

esterk says... #9

R: Fault Lines, though I would like to see it as a creature instead - just feels more 'red' that way.

B/R: While I really love the idea of Phoenix-Song Ritual, it feels more like a rare than an uncommon. Therefore, I'll have to go with Blightburst. Seems like a really fun card, actually.

W/B: Twilight Angel, as is. Seems like a pretty cool card that is reasonably costed for an uncommon.

April 28, 2012 4:37 p.m.

slowtyper77 says... #10

Twilight Angel would be sick with Pod.

April 28, 2012 5:28 p.m.

dude1818 says... #11

R: Self Flagellation

B/R: Blightburst

W/B: Enforcer of Laws

April 30, 2012 3:15 p.m.

Yourman says... #12

R- Fault Lines

B/R- Mutual Sacrifice

W/B- Otherworldly Servant. It would make more sense as a spirit though.

May 1, 2012 12:44 p.m.

Yourman says... #13

R- Fault Lines

B/R- Mutual Sacrifice

W/B- Otherworldly Servant. It would make more sense as a spirit though.

May 1, 2012 12:44 p.m.

hubatish says... #14

R: Volcanic Terrain, as is. Agree with others that the card would be unplayable at higher CMC, and don't think that it is particularly overpowered at current costing.

B/R: Phoenix-Song Ritual. could probably lower its cost to 2BR (esp since it works for both players), but it looks like a very fun card to play with in Limited.

W/B: Twilight Angel. It seems pretty great, but might be too good (6 point life swing + flying creature for 5 mana?). could be good as a 4/4 with same player gaining/losing life.

May 2, 2012 12:25 p.m.

L0RDbyrd says... #15

R: Volcanic Terrain, and i also agree that raising the cmc would ruin the card, however perhaps requiring a mountain to be sacrificed instead of any land

B/R: Chaven Decree, like the card as is

B/W: Twilight Angel, possibly overpowered as is, would suggest losing flying and changing creature type due to lost flying

also a note on hateful verdict, would like it better as a 4 cmc no target restriction kill with the damage

May 2, 2012 7:41 p.m.

squire1 says... #16

Winners are:


Volcanic Terrain

And a changed version of Twilight Angel

You can see them on the Chavest summary page.

May 3, 2012 8:09 a.m.

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