My first deck was the Battle for Zendikar Event Deck. I had been admiring the artwork on the Eldrazi cards we sold at my work and after some research, I decided to construct my own deck. The event deck instantly drew me in with its aristocrats theme and self sacrifice strategies. I decided to upgrade the deck by adding more Zulaport Cutthroats to complete the playset... Little did I know, I could have walked into a game shop and purchased them for less than fifty cents. Completely unaware of the existence of the Magic singles market, I kept cracking packs of BFZ until I found two more. This cost me upwards of a hundred dollars. Those were dark times. Nevertheless, I loved how that played. The synergies allowed me to bend every rule in the game. I could drain my opponent's life without ever swinging in for combat. I could cheat the mana curve by sacrificing my Eldrazi scions. And even when my opponents want to attack, my chump blocking just put me closer to winning the game. With this deck, a Johnny was born. Today, I am getting back into the hobby and attempting to recreate that good old feeling in the Commander format. Only issue is I've never fully constructed a functioning deck before. I'm still getting a grip on building mana bases, including redundancy, and making the proper ratio of threats to utility cards like removal and card draw. But janky Johnny synergies? I've got those in spades! Currently, I'm brewing a Sultai deck:muldrotha-zombristocrats deck. At some point I want to build an Omnath, Locus of Rage Landfall deck with Evolving Wilds and Ramunap Excavator, and some kind of artifact deck utilizing Tezzerret the Schemer or Tezzerret, Master of Metal and Gonti's Aether Heart. One thing at a time however.

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MTG Decks

Cult of the Gravetide

Commander / EDH* SpeshulK


Finished Decks 2
Prototype Decks 2
Drafts 0
Playing since Battle for Zendikar
Avg. deck rating None
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Commander / EDH
Joined 6 years