How Can I Put Ertai Resurrected into My Decks?
Commander Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 7, 2022, 8:15 p.m. by DemonDragonJ
I plan to put the new Ertai Resurrected into these three decks, since he is very versatile, and those decks support his colors, but I am not certain which cards to remove to make room for him.
I most likely shall have him replace an exisitng counterspell, such as Disallow or Undermine, since he renders such spells redundant.
What does everyone else say about this? How can I put Ertai resurected into my decks?
bushido_man96 says... #3
I think you have to ask yourself if you are going to be willing to consistently hold up 4 mana for a counterspell/single-target removal? I do like the modality of this card, but I'm not sure I'd cut other removal to add it in.
September 8, 2022 10:46 p.m.
DemonDragonJ says... #4
Everyone here makes excellent points, so I am not certain if Ertai would fit the themes of those three decks, so what about this deck? Since that deck punishes my opponents for drawing cards, I think that he would fit that deck's theme very nicely.
September 8, 2022 10:53 p.m.
bushido_man96 says... #5
If you want to throw it in there, sure. Again, it doesn't really change the fact that you are either paying 4 mana for a counterspell or a single-target removal spell. If you're paying 4+ mana for removal, that's boardwipe territory. But, if you want to play the card for flavor reasons in a Nekusar deck, go for it.
Niko9 says... #2
Hmm, as much as I dislike Smothering Tithe he'd be really good with that : ) But yeah, I think that he seems pretty straight forward. It's kind of one extra mana and opponent draws a card for a body, which can be good for sure. Definitely nice for creatures matters decks and things like that.
September 8, 2022 7:57 a.m.