Elves of the Swarm (Budget)

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Rattleclaw Mystic —Sept. 26, 2015

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I've decided to cut 4x Leaf Gilder for 4x Rattleclaw Mystic. I've determined that the positives that Rattleclaw brings to the deck are much better than the negatives. The biggest impact that this change will bring is decreasing the amount of elves in the deck.

Rattleclaw is such a better card than Gilder, no comparison. The only good thing Gilder has over it in this deck is he is an elf which means he can be found with Sylvan Messenger and count toward Shaman of the Pack damage. In the scheme of things these are both good things to have in this deck. The problem with Gilder is he can only make green mana which is still good, but this deck really needs both its mana dorks to be more versatile.

The major positive toward using Rattleclaw is he can make blue and even red mana as well as green. This is very helpful in casting either a turn 3 Kiora, Master of the Depths or a 4/4 Skyrider Elf. Rattleclaw can still ramp into a turn 3 Sylvan Messenger just like Gilder can. Giving this deck to best possible ways to use these powerful turn 3 plays is important and Rattleclaw helps much more than Gilder in doing this.