Divine Soldiers

Modern Case42


First FNM —Dec. 29, 2012

Played blue/white control first, which I was afraid of. Won first match, opponent mana starved. Lost second, need a counter for a few cards, so have altered this deck's sideboard and a bit in main. Won third, had perfect opening and halted him before he could get going.

Second game was against R/B aggro, couldn't do anything against another speed deck, though faith's shield and divine deflection helped a bit, lost 2-0

Third game was against G/W token producer, pretty much stomped it into the ground, won 2-0.

Have added two more silverblade paladin and two more mentor of the meek, made faith's shield a mainboard card, and gotten rid of gather the townsfolk..

TzarChasm says... #1

I have a deck that's quite similar to this, but since the Scars block rotated it's become illegal in Standard: deck:deo-vindice. I suppose if I were you I'd want to put a little removal directly in the mainboard--a couple of Oblivion Ring s or Soul Tithe s, maybe. I'd also consider replacing the War Falcon s with card:Judge's Familiar; it may not have 2 power, but it's a first-turn flier that can double as a removal counter. Serra Avenger may not be a bad choice for a cheap, solid flier, either.

I just noticed that neither your main nor your sideboard have any enchantment or artifact removal. Even if you can't benefit from populate (which your Precinct Captains can enable), Sundering Growth can nail both. Good call on card:Faith's Shield in the sideboard; a lot of people seem to overlook how powerful that card can be.

December 21, 2012 6:44 p.m.

lelandgiovanni says... #2

i would work on getting more Silverblade Paladin s, they are key to getting huge hits early. maybe swap them for the x2 Mentor of the Meek

December 25, 2012 12:59 p.m.