The Reckoning

Modern* DreamGoddessLindsey


4th Place at FNM Modern —May 30, 2014

Match #1: Lost 0-2 vs. Junk Constellation

Match #2: BYE

Match #3: Won 2-0 vs. Boros Aggro

I think I may need to add some land. Almost certainly going to main board some removal.

Ferno says... #1

Coat of Arms instead of Springleaf Drum although it is more mana, it can be really helpful. Only 2x at the most. Or maybe some more draw? Phyrexian Arena . Although not a minatour, can push through for a lot of damage.Mogis's Marauder

May 27, 2014 11:20 p.m.

I can't take out Springleaf Drum because it's important mana fixing since I'm running so few lands. Similarly, if a creature doesn't fit the tribe, it doesn't belong.

The draw is interesting. Phyrexian Arena and Underworld Connections are both excellent. I'm not sure it's worth it or not. I may try the deck as-is and see if that works, and if not, I'll try to acquire those cards. Put Read the Bones in, perhaps.

May 28, 2014 10:51 p.m.