Built From Scratch Upgrade

Commander / EDH atingtdm


Year of 2020 —Dec. 15, 2020

Q1, 2020 Show

Q2, 2020 Show

Q3, 2020 Show

Q4, 2020 Show

ericnat7 says... #1

This is really cool! I think Hellkite Tyrant could be alt win con for this deck, considering how many artifacts you have in the deck, and how many you can make. Plus with Mycosynth Lattice, you could take every permanent someone else controls.

February 23, 2020 3:45 a.m.

atingtdm says... #2

ericnat7 Thx, the reason why I don’t put it in main is because there is a high chance of encountering black or blue players who have a Sower of Temptation or Reanimate.

February 23, 2020 3:59 a.m.

ericnat7 says... #3

atingtdm Thats a great point, I didn't think about that.

February 23, 2020 6:07 a.m.

hunter17 says... #4

A couple of ideas. Don't play Soul-Guide Lantern, I feel like singular hate is very mediocre. If you want hate replace it with Relic of Progenitus. Add Mind's Eye and The Immortal Sun for better card draw. Replace Chromatic Orrery with Treasure Nabber for more efficient ramp, because Chromatic Orrery only will draw one card and at 7 mana it won't help in a mono-red deck because red does not have a lot of card draw. I do like the deck though, very nice job!

November 30, 2020 1:03 p.m.

atingtdm says... #5

hunter17 First of all, thank you for your suggestions.

The reason why Soul-Guide Lantern was chosen is that this card will only remove the opponent’s graveyard without affecting me. It's very important to operate this deck. Before that, I chose Tormod's Crypt.

The second is The Immortal Sun, which will directly turn our commander into a brick. Chromatic Orrery is an excellent grave digging target, using other tapped mana rock for exchange can give great mana progress, which can be used to activate Planar Bridge or use more than two spells at the same time. Especially I use a lot of red spells like Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker or Cavalier of Flame, and I no longer need to worry that mana rock can only give me colorless.

Mind's Eye Not bad, although I prefer spells that draw cards directly.

December 3, 2020 8:06 a.m.