Righteous Fury

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Righteous Fury


Destroy all tapped creatures. You gain 2 life for each creature destroyed this way.

DreadKhan on Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together

11 months ago

Not sure if it's too weak, but when I was playing with only older cards I was surprisingly happy with what Orim, Samite Healer could do, preventing 3 damage can be enough to make combat way more complicated for your opponents. If you have creatures with First Strike and Banding somewhat often, you might like cards that do the opposite of Orim, the clunkiest I can think of is Elite Archers, if you have this out and some Banding First Strike creatures it might make combat scary enough to matter. White used to get a fair number of creatures like this. Sorry if this kind of stuff isn't up to your deck's standards!

I've always loved a good 'tap to really annoy your opponent' type cards, some of my general purpose favorites are Spurnmage Advocate, Pulsemage Advocate, Intrepid Hero, Devout Witness, and the huge pie break Preacher. I think WotC stopped making cards like this because they're incredibly annoying to play against rather than them being functionally bad, but it is true that they come out and do nothing for a cycle. Sorry they don't have Banding, but they can help you win more games.

Again, not sure if it's too weak, but I've rarely been disappointed by Noble Purpose, it even stacks with Lifelink sources if you've got any. Spare life turns slugfest type games that old cards often produce into gradual advantage for you.

Since you have some Vigilance sources, maybe Righteous Fury would do some work? Even weirder, what about a Meekstone? Most of your bodies are small, it's a lot like another Crackdown.

I feel like if you're going to run Glorious Anthem you might consider Soltari Champion, the other White Shadow I often sneak into decks is Soltari Visionary. They both do something quite useful, but Visionary is a bit more meta dependent, some groups avoid Enchantments. Technically Soltari Champion works better with a Meekstone than a normal Anthem will.

Ppniello on We Did it Reddit, We Made Johan

3 years ago

Gahiji, Honored One, Hanweir Garrison, Righteous Fury. Those are some cards i feel like could be good in your deck. I was searching for cool tappers to build a samut tap tribal deck,i saw your post on reddit and here i am. It's a spicy deck, how does It perform?

ZugzwangKG on Understanding Card Prices

4 years ago

Why is it that Guan Yu's 1,000-Li March costs over $20, but Righteous Fury costs less than $5. They have the same mana cost to a T, are both sorcery, and have the same effect, but Righteous Fury also gains you life per destroyed creature. Other than that, Fury is from Second Age, whereas the March is from 3 Kingdoms. Why would the March be more expensive in the real world than Fury?

SakuraStorm on THE WAR IS ON! [EDH] Basandra, Battle Seraph

4 years ago

@king-saprolingThx for you suggestions!

I already ran Angel's Trumpet , Assault Suit , Sunblast Angel , Crown of Doom , Baird, Steward of Argive and Pariah

, but these were replaced, by imo better options or because they tend to draw aggro, or kill my opponents creatures.

- Master Warcraft i think maybe i should give it another chance, though it's a oneshot.

- Gisela, Blade of Goldnight and Repercussion tend to make me too much of a threat.

- Masako the Humorless is somewhat antisynegetic, as the deck is more about getting the opponents to beat each other up, rather than doing this myself.

- Godsend as tempting as this card seems in terms of rattlesnake, i think this might be more seen as an offensive tool. Also i'm not really equipmentheavy.

- Righteous Fury same as Sunblast Angel , board whiping is mostly a bad idea.

- Lapse of Certainty not really a fan of this one, personel preferance.

- Null Chamber AWESOME! It's another Nevermore and can be used to gang up on people! I'll definetly figure out a spot for this and it's a "World Enchantment" :D

- Bloodthirsty Blade is already ordered, still no clue what to cut for it.

Coward_Token on Gahiji: Forever War

6 years ago

Very well, here's my latest jank for your consideration (take your time)

Orzhov Advokist: Boosts one of your creatures and tells you ahead of time whether or not someone is planning on attacking you. This potentially lets it both replace one card from Conflict Escalation and another from Deterrence, which would free up a slot for something else. On the downside, it takes a player turn cycle to become relevant and it's more about quality than quantity (although you could use things like Tetravus, Murder Investigation and/or Hangarback Walker to alleviate this, see also about Elemental Mastery below). Another problem is that it doesn't reward people for attacking each other and it's arguably anti-synergetic with Mystic Barrier.

(Invasion Plans/Angel's Trumpet/Total War): Weird group slug cards, dunno if they're too weak compared to e.g. Warmonger Hellkite and/or too prone to backfire.


Harvest Season/(Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip): More powerful yet less reliable alternative to Cultivate. (Although instead of Itlimoc you could just spend hundreds of bucks on a Gaea's Cradle I guess)

(Burgeoning): Cheap and obviously triggers frequently in multiplayer, but conflicts with Oreskos Explorer.

(Thornscape Familiar): The only one in the cost reduction Familiar cycle which affects more than one of the colors in your commander's identity. Aside from Gahiji himself, it works for 33 out of the 99 cards in the current deck (assuming no shenanigans like Celestial Dawn or Feroz's Ban). I dunno if you cast those 33 cards frequently enough per turn to make the cost reduction worthwhile compared to land-based ramp, especially since you got some land matters cards like Mirari's Wake.

Continuing my quest of exhausting every possible card advantage option known to beast, god and man:

Elvish Harbinger: Complement or possibly even a replacement for Wood Elves. Ramps and elf Imperial Seal:s from a pretty diverse pool consisting of Rhys the Redeemed, Reclamation Sage, Wood Elves, Knight of the Reliquary, Mirror Entity, Selvala, Explorer Returned & Oracle of Mul Daya. Since it doesn't have flash, unplanned shuffling is my biggest reservation towards this one. (As an optional bonus, it can form the middle of a threefold creature tutor chain with either of the Recruiters and any elf.)

Green Sun's Zenith: Banned in modern and probably something you've already considered. Puts green critters directly onto the battlefield and is self-recurable. It can pick from a pretty diverse pool that includes (among other things) Den Protector, Oracle of Mul Day, Reclamation Sage, Tireless Tracker, Wood Elves, Knight of the Reliquary, Mirri, and Selvala.

Worldly Tutor: Creature Vampiric Tutor, might be a bit slow without an available draw source. (Congregation at Dawn) takes things further, but with the presence of other (shuffling) tutors and a lack of great draw power it seems questionable. Eladamri's Call is the Demonic Tutor equivalent, dunno if it can compete with Green Sun's.

Captain Sisay: Repeatable fetching of Kor Haven, Gisela, Iroas, Rhys, Fumiko, Kazuul, Michiko, Mirri and Selvala. Nothing from the Recon group but I think Kor Haven and Selvala alleviates things.

(Evolutionary Leap): Unsure about this one, but could be nice with things that give a benefit upon death (be it naturally or trough Skullclamp with 2 or more toughness) and/or are disposable (especially cheap ETB creatures that can be recurred with Sun Titan).

(Defense of the Heart): Obviously very powerful if it goes off, but I assume that it's too conditional & vulnerable to removal to be worth it.

Magus of the Wheel: Complement to the classic wheel that's already present. I prefer the Magus over Wheel of Fate & Reforge the Soul due to not requiring you to have all the mana at once and/or because it's more predictable for something that discards your hand (although slower without haste). As a bonus, it's recurable with Sun Titan (and tutorable with either of the Recruiters).

Other misc. cards which you've probably already considered and rejected, but just in case:

(Luminarch Ascension): On one hand, Ant Queen on steroids. On the other, draws a lot of hate and/or takes at least four turns to become not-useless (assuming no helpful proliferation) which makes it more and more of a dead draw over time. (Sacred Mesa is a weird compromise.) There's also Emeria Angel/Retreat to Emeria for if you want to expand on the land subtheme, but it doesn't have the same explosive potential as the aforementioned manasinks (although Hazezon Tamar might be a decent compromise).

Elemental Mastery: Channels a quality creature (e.g. a beefed up Knight of the Reliquary or just Gahiji himself) into a quantity of tokens which better synergizes with Gahiji's ability. On the downside, since the tokens only lasts one turn you can't increase their power on the long term with e.g. Curse of Predation. The card also has the two usual problems associated with Auras in that it requires the presence of an appropriate creature to be useful and that single-target removal against said creature becomes a two-for-one deal (and this is further exasperated by the fact that you're encouraged to increase the power of the creature by e.g. putting counters on it). Also too expensive for Sun Titan. Dragon Throne of Tarkir gives somewhat similar quality-to-quantity conversion in a more resilient equipment form.

(Path of Ancestry) vs one of Temple of Abandon/Temple of Plenty/Temple of Triumph. Less reliable scry that only works with Gahiji & the changeling, but taps for all the relevant colors. Dunno how frequently this is relevant for you.

(Rith, the Awakener): Token generator alternative. I'm guessing you've rejected it because the tokens lack evasion and/or the token generation is too conditional. (But hey, at least it's a combat damage effect for Duelist's Heritage to interact with)

(Marton Stromgald): Potentially explosive token amplification but hard to keep alive.

Mass Hysteria: In case you're not getting enough haste from Slayers' Stronghold. Also works with the group slug aspect, but I dunno if it will backfire by e.g. letting powerful tap abilities come out of nowhere. (There's also Concordant Crossroads if you're not worried about it being replaced by another World Enchantment.) Samut, Voice of Dissent is another option that has quite a few other features as well, but I fear she'll come in a bit too late. Got similar feelings about (Urabrask the Hidden), who's also kinda detrimental to the group slug theme and/or will draw too much hate. ((Akroma's Memorial) is even worse in the lateness department.)

Mogg Infestation/(Settle the Wreckage)/Fell the Mighty/(Righteous Fury)/(Sunblast Angel)/(Angel of the Dire Hour): One of the Token Beatdown variants favors board wipes, but all of the listed cards have a tendency to kill your fatties and leave your opponent's weenies alive. In case you want a source of emergency non-targeted creature removal in the main deck and/or the variant, here's some additional options that can leave your own creatures alive, even if they're a bit more expensive than e.g. Wrath of God (or, in the case of Settle the Wreckage, potentially profitable for an opponent). Special mention to Mogg Infestation for still keeping the group slug going by being Beast Within on steroids & Angel of the Dire Hour for bypassing indestructible in addition to shroud, if that's relevant in your meta (although a plain (Arcane Lighthouse) might be better then).

(Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite): Saving the most prominently obvious card for last, I assume the reason you've rejected it is because it's not explosive enough to act as a 1v1 finisher, while being detrimental to the overall group slug strategy when there's more than one opponent alive.

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