Waters of Space (U/Affinity)

Standard* Caligula


Combat Tip —Aug. 4, 2014

Chasm Skulker + Rapid Hybridization can help you to trigger your skulkers tokens into play before combat phase for an added threat

Jojja says... #1

Hi! nice deck you have going there, I like it a lot but have two changes I would make.

Springleaf Drum is just better then Armory of Iroas in a deck like this as it ramps you into a turn 2 Illusory Angel with a thopter or a T3 Illusory Angel with a creature you played the last turn, it also ramps you into a quicker Chasm Skulker . and Ordeal of Thassa is just a 2 for 1 waiting to happen. Military Intelligence has won me more games then I can remember with my own mono blue tempo/flyers and all the extra cards is worth way more then giving a random +1/+1 counter on a creature.

Hour of Need is also a great card to have in the main or in the SB as it helps against spotremoval heavy decks and all the -1/-1 or -2/-2 and strength 1-3 sweepers that people are playing these days to be able to combat the red decks.

August 2, 2014 8:57 a.m.

Caligula says... #2

Jojja I did some tinkering with it. Much better with the suggestions. Thanks alot mang.

August 2, 2014 2:32 p.m.

Rich1990 says... #3

Nice deck dude! I'm going to give this a shot!

August 3, 2014 8:59 p.m.

Caligula says... #4

Rich1990 Do it man, It's cheap, Effective, and competitive!

August 3, 2014 10 p.m.