The Lion, The 'Quips & The Wardrobe

Tiny Leaders RaSkipper


First TL tournie, took 4th place overall. —April 11, 2015

Took this baby to it's first tournament, did better than expected.

First round, complete wash out. The guy didn't have any removal so Kemba stacked up quickly. 2-0.

Second round, another mono-white token deck. Couldn't keep up with the speed of cats dropping, another 2-0.

Third round, mono-green elf deck. This thing was insane! Tons of mana ramp, a commander that gave all elfs +3 and trample. Couldn't hold a candle to it, 0-2.

Fourth round, couldn't keep Kemba on the field. Kept getting hit with creature sac. another 0-2.

Fifth round, played against Marath. Crawlspace saved my butt in both cases, he couldn't swing with enough to take me out. 2-0.

Overall, went 3-2, got a few bucks in store credit and took 4th place in the tournament. All in all, happy with the results!

ESTABAUSS says... #1

this looks sick. i'm going to try out a similar build now!

April 3, 2015 1:17 a.m.

jonesey910 says... #2

Love the deck, inspired me to start working on my own version. I would highly suggest putting in Darksteel Plate, it's absolutely incredible. It's a bit pricy but worth it. Also maybe Shield of the Avatar.

April 3, 2015 3:37 p.m.

Krapak says... #3

Leonin Shikari? works perfectly with the Puresteel Paladin! +1

April 9, 2015 3:16 a.m.

RaSkipper says... #4

@Krapak I thought about sticking a Leonin Shikari in there, it definitely works really well with Puresteel Paladin, but without both of those cards out I'm the instant speed equip effects aren't that beneficial. Usually only have one mana open at any time for Path to Exile, Condemn, Brave the Elements, etc. With only four equipments with Equip 1, it doesn't have much synergy with any other cards. Thanks for the suggestion though!

April 9, 2015 4:02 p.m.